Divine Being
(hover over the image for a larger image)
HeartStreamsMore Info
Aeneaus 1 HeartStream
Aeola 1 HeartStream

64 Information
Ahura Vajra 1 HeartStream
Akshobhya 8 HeartStreams
Al Ladd 0 No HeartStream Yet
Al Schein 0 No HeartStream Yet
Alan Hearn 0 No HeartStream Yet
Alda Hudson 1 HeartStream
Aleanna 0 No HeartStream Yet
Alena 4 HeartStreams
Alfred Hunter 0 No HeartStream Yet
Allegra 2 HeartStreams
Alluvia 1 HeartStream
Aloha 16 HeartStreams
Alpha 14 HeartStreams
Amaryllia 5 HeartStreams
Amaryllis 7 HeartStreams
Amazonia 13 HeartStreams
Amen Bey 5 HeartStreams
Amethyst 16 HeartStreams
Amitabha 9 HeartStreams
Amoghasiddhi 6 HeartStreams
Amora 19 HeartStreams
Angel Clothed with a Rainbow 1 HeartStream
Angel Deva of Chile 1 HeartStream
Angel Deva of Mexico 1 HeartStream
Angel Deva of Paradise Valley 1 HeartStream
Angel Deva of Spain 1 HeartStream
Angel Deva of Sweden 1 HeartStream
Angel Deva of the Jade Temple 8 HeartStreams
Angel Guardian of Mother Marys Retreat 3 HeartStreams
Angel of Deliverance 4 HeartStreams
Angel of Grace 1 HeartStream
Angel of Joy 5 HeartStreams
Angel of Judgment 1 HeartStream
Angel of Peace 5 HeartStreams
Angel of Restful Sleep 0 No HeartStream Yet
Angel of Resurrection 2 HeartStreams
Angel of Silence 0 No HeartStream Yet
Angel of Stillness 1 HeartStream
Angel of the Revelation 1 HeartStream
Ann of Emigrant 1 HeartStream
Apollo 18 HeartStreams
Archangels and Archeiai 1 HeartStream
Archangels of the Five Crystal Rays 5 HeartStreams
Archeiai of the Five Crystal Rays 3 HeartStreams
Arcturian 7 HeartStreams
Arcturus 29 HeartStreams
Aries 17 HeartStreams
Asevadano 1 HeartStream
Aspira 14 HeartStreams
Astrea 27 HeartStreams
Astrela 4 HeartStreams
Astriel 14 HeartStreams
Atlan 1 HeartStream
Auriel 6 HeartStreams
Aurora 13 HeartStreams
Avalokiteshvara 3 HeartStreams
Aviola 0 No HeartStream Yet
Azrael 2 HeartStreams
Azuna 0 No HeartStream Yet
Azzalea 3 HeartStreams
Babaji 11 HeartStreams
Beloved Jade 1 HeartStream
Benjamin 0 No HeartStream Yet
Bishop Sheen 0 No HeartStream Yet
Blanca-Rosa 0 No HeartStream Yet
Blessed Lois 0 No HeartStream Yet
Blessed Mamie 0 No HeartStream Yet

Blessed Monica
2 HeartStreams
Blessed Phoebe 0 No HeartStream Yet
Blessed Zena 0 No HeartStream Yet
Bob 2 HeartStreams

Bob Lewis
6 HeartStreams
Bodhidharma 1 HeartStream
Bonnie Blue 7 HeartStreams
Brahma 5 HeartStreams
Buddha from a Far-Off World 1 HeartStream
Buddha from out the Pleiades 4 HeartStreams
Buddha from the Great Silence 2 HeartStreams
Buddha of Crystal Joy 1 HeartStream
Buddha of Diamond Crystal Light 11 HeartStreams
Buddha of the Aqua-Teal Ray 2 HeartStreams
Buddha of the Crystal Ray 3 HeartStreams
Buddha of the Diamond Blue Light 1 HeartStream
Buddha of the Emerald Crystal Ray 3 HeartStreams
Buddha of the Golden Light 3 HeartStreams
Buddha of the Golden Pink Glow Ray 3 HeartStreams
Buddha of the Maxin Light 1 HeartStream
Buddha of the Ruby Ray 19 HeartStreams
Buddha of the Violet Ray 9 HeartStreams
Buddhalochana 0 No HeartStream Yet
Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of China 1 HeartStream
Buddhas from the Pleiades 2 HeartStreams
BuddhiMa 4 HeartStreams
Capella 13 HeartStreams
Carlene Tagstrom 0 No HeartStream Yet
Carlinda Papili 0 No HeartStream Yet
Carol Hedgpeth 0 No HeartStream Yet
Casimir Poseidon 3 HeartStreams
Cathrine of Aragon 0 No HeartStream Yet
Celena 4 HeartStreams
Celeste 2 HeartStreams
Celestel 6 HeartStreams
Cha Ara 2 HeartStreams
Chamuel 22 HeartStreams
Chananda 5 HeartStreams
Charity 17 HeartStreams
Charyata 1 HeartStream
Cherubim 1 HeartStream
Chris Wilbert 0 No HeartStream Yet
Christiana 0 No HeartStream Yet
Christiel 7 HeartStreams
Christina Dolan Sarlo 0 No HeartStream Yet
Christine 8 HeartStreams
Christine Hermes 0 No HeartStream Yet
Christine Sweeney 0 No HeartStream Yet
Christyla 5 HeartStreams
Clara Eastman 0 No HeartStream Yet
Clara Louise 2 HeartStreams

Clare de Lis
60 Information
Compassion 1 HeartStream
Compassionata 1 HeartStream
Confucius 3 HeartStreams
Corielle 0 No HeartStream Yet
Cosma 1 HeartStream
Cosmic Buddha of the Ruby Ray 1 HeartStream
Cosmos 9 HeartStreams
Cuzco 21 HeartStreams

42 HeartStreams
David Lloyd 2 HeartStreams
Delfina 13 HeartStreams
Denny Cree 0 No HeartStream Yet
Deva John 0 No HeartStream Yet
Dhatvishvari 0 No HeartStream Yet
Diana 16 HeartStreams
Diane de Luz 0 No HeartStream Yet
Diane Diegel 0 No HeartStream Yet
Diane Mcinnis 0 No HeartStream Yet
Divina 13 HeartStreams

Divine Director
125 Information
Djwal Kul 26 HeartStreams
Dorothy Angleton 0 No HeartStream Yet
Dorothy Sawyer 0 No HeartStream Yet
Dr Burns 1 HeartStream
Dr Merle Bouma 0 No HeartStream Yet

6 HeartStreams
Earnest 1 HeartStream
Edith Emmert 0 No HeartStream Yet

El Morya
381 Information
Electra 1 HeartStream
Ella Amber 0 No HeartStream Yet
Elohim of the Five Crystal Rays 11 HeartStreams
Elohim of the Seven Rays 8 HeartStreams
Elohim of the Twelve Rays 3 HeartStreams
Emanuel Swedenborg 4 HeartStreams
Emerald Ray Masters 1 HeartStream
Emma Adams 0 No HeartStream Yet
Enoch 10 Information
Eric Berglund 0 No HeartStream Yet
Eriel 3 HeartStreams
Erwin Arndt 0 No HeartStream Yet
Estelle Marie Fehner 0 No HeartStream Yet
Euphoria 0 No HeartStream Yet
Faith 15 Information
Father Juni 2 HeartStreams
Five Dhyani Buddhas 2 HeartStreams
Flower A. Newhouse 1 HeartStream
Fortuna 23 HeartStreams
Four and Twenty Elders 1 HeartStream
Fourteen Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America 4 HeartStreams
Fradelle Palmer 0 No HeartStream Yet
Frances Woywitka 0 No HeartStream Yet
Fred Camets 0 No HeartStream Yet
Fu Lao 2 HeartStreams
Fun Wey 6 HeartStreams
Gabriel 25 HeartStreams
Ganesh 4 HeartStreams
Gardenia 1 HeartStream

Gautama Buddha
62 Information
Glad-a-Lot 3 HeartStreams
Glen-EL-O 0 No HeartStream Yet
Gloria 1 HeartStream
God Harmony 5 HeartStreams
God Mercury 13 HeartStreams
God Meru 18 HeartStreams
God of Gold 5 HeartStreams
God of Gratitude 2 HeartStreams
God of the Swiss Alps 2 HeartStreams
God Tabor 1 HeartStream
Goddess Meru 11 HeartStreams
Goddess of Autumn 0 No HeartStream Yet
Goddess of Beauty 8 HeartStreams
Goddess of Freedom 15 HeartStreams
Goddess of Glory 1 HeartStream
Goddess of Gold 1 HeartStream
Goddess of Joy 3 HeartStreams

Goddess of Liberty
30 HeartStreams
Goddess of Light 10 HeartStreams
Goddess of Purity 18 HeartStreams
Goddess of Summer 0 No HeartStream Yet
Goddess of Winter 0 No HeartStream Yet
Goddesses of the Four Seasons 1 HeartStream
Godfre 45 HeartStreams
Gordon Chapin 0 No HeartStream Yet
Govinas 4 HeartStreams
Grace 1 HeartStream
Gratitude 1 HeartStream
Green Tara 5 HeartStreams
Gregory MacKay 0 No HeartStream Yet
Guru Nanak 2 HeartStreams
Hank Aaron 0 No HeartStream Yet
Hans Röing 2 HeartStreams
Hanuman 4 HeartStreams
Harold Baughman 0 No HeartStream Yet
Harrie Muskens 0 No HeartStream Yet
Healing Angels 1 HeartStream
Helen McDonald 0 No HeartStream Yet
Helen Ries 0 No HeartStream Yet
Helios 11 HeartStreams

51 HeartStreams
Hermes Trismegistus 13 HeartStreams
Heros 24 HeartStreams
Hierarchs of the Elementals 9 HeartStreams

82 Information
Himalaya 17 HeartStreams
Holy Mary 0 No HeartStream Yet
Holy Spirit 37 HeartStreams
Hope 14 HeartStreams
Idaleen Conklin 0 No HeartStream Yet
Igor 9 HeartStreams
Illustra 0 No HeartStream Yet
Immaculata 0 No HeartStream Yet
Inez Opazo Quesado 0 No HeartStream Yet
Inspira 2 HeartStreams
Isabelle Dirkers 0 No HeartStream Yet
Iva Cree 0 No HeartStream Yet
Jack Baughman 0 No HeartStream Yet
Jade Goddess from the Pleiades 1 HeartStream
James Wells 0 No HeartStream Yet
Jane Guelick 0 No HeartStream Yet
Jar-El-Um 3 HeartStreams
Jasmine 5 HeartStreams
Jean McChesney 0 No HeartStream Yet
Jean of Joy 0 No HeartStream Yet
Jerry Dirkers 0 No HeartStream Yet
Jesus 276 Information
Joe McNabb 0 No HeartStream Yet
Johannes 2 HeartStreams
John Paul II 1 HeartStream
John the Baptist 8 HeartStreams
John the Beloved 23 HeartStreams
Jophiel 15 HeartStreams
Joseph Bueno 0 No HeartStream Yet
Joseph Genito 0 No HeartStream Yet
Joviel 5 HeartStreams
Joyous John 0 No HeartStream Yet
Juan Diego 3 HeartStreams
Julietta 0 No HeartStream Yet
Justina 6 HeartStreams
Justinius 9 HeartStreams
K-17 24 HeartStreams
Kali 11 HeartStreams
Kapila Kumara 3 HeartStreams
Karen LeBeau 0 No HeartStream Yet
Karin Svedelius 1 HeartStream
Karmic Board 0 No HeartStream Yet
Katherine Kay 0 No HeartStream Yet
Keeper of the Scrolls 3 HeartStreams
Ketino Lidtske 0 No HeartStream Yet
Krishna 16 HeartStreams

Kuan Yin
124 HeartStreams
Kuthumi 103 Information
LaBerta 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Adelphia 1 HeartStream
Lady Alphelia 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Angelica 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Anna Maria 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Auroriel 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Azaria 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Beatitude 1 HeartStream
Lady Britta 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Celeste Jewel 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Cherille 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Clarissa 0 No HeartStream Yet

Lady Clarity
10 HeartStreams
Lady Daria 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Dorcas 1 HeartStream
Lady Dorothea 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Edelweiss 2 HeartStreams
Lady Eleisha 1 HeartStream
Lady Elisabeth 1 HeartStream
Lady Emelia 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Esta 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Eunice 1 HeartStream
Lady Eva 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Eve 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady FairGrace 3 HeartStreams
Lady Florenza 0 No HeartStream Yet

Lady Francesca
10 HeartStreams
Lady Gloria Grace 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady GlowRay 0 No HeartStream Yet

Lady Good Will
2 HeartStreams
Lady Grace 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Gracias 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Immaculata 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Jewel 1 HeartStream
Lady Jocelyn 1 HeartStream
Lady Johanna 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Joy 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Kristine 62 HeartStreams
Lady Lanella 1 HeartStream
Lady Leila 2 HeartStreams
Lady Lillian of Camelot 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Linda 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Louisa 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Love 1 HeartStream
Lady Madeline 0 No HeartStream Yet

Lady Majestique
1 HeartStream
Lady Marchette 2 HeartStreams
Lady Mariel 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Master Alice 1 HeartStream
Lady Master J 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Master Mary Lou 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Master Violet 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Orielle 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Paradisa 0 No HeartStream Yet

Lady Pleiades
2 HeartStreams

Lady Priella
2 HeartStreams
Lady Ra-Ella 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Ruth 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Sonja 0 No HeartStream Yet

Lady Sophistra
1 HeartStream
Lady Stella 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Theresa 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Treva 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Valeria 1 HeartStream
Lady Valusia 3 HeartStreams
Lady Vedulia 3 HeartStreams
Lady Veluria 3 HeartStreams
Lady Venduria 3 HeartStreams
Lady Verusia 3 HeartStreams
Lady Vinutia 3 HeartStreams
Lady Violette 2 HeartStreams
Lady Virgin-Ray 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Wanda 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lady Ximena 0 No HeartStream Yet

11 HeartStreams

203 Information

32 Information
Lao Tse 3 HeartStreams

7 HeartStreams
Leo-Heart 1 HeartStream
Leon Chagnon 0 No HeartStream Yet
Leto 6 HeartStreams
Levity, Angel of Joy 5 HeartStreams
Liberty 1 HeartStream
Lighet Gebreiesus 0 No HeartStream Yet
Linda Terry Worobec 0 No HeartStream Yet
Listening Angel 1 HeartStream
Logus 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lois Mann 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lord Ling 10 HeartStreams
Lotus 6 HeartStreams
Louise Hill 0 No HeartStream Yet
Luara 14 HeartStreams
Luke Diepstratten 0 No HeartStream Yet
Lumina 16 HeartStreams
Lux-Ray 0 No HeartStream Yet
Madiba 1 HeartStream

30 HeartStreams
Magi 0 No HeartStream Yet

Maha Chohan
78 HeartStreams
Maitreya 72 HeartStreams
Mamaki 0 No HeartStream Yet
Manjushri 56 HeartStreams
Manus of the Root Races 1 HeartStream
Margaret Reichardt 0 No HeartStream Yet
Margie Bouma 0 No HeartStream Yet
Marguerite Baker 0 No HeartStream Yet
Marguerite Wurstbaugh 0 No HeartStream Yet
Maria Montessori 4 HeartStreams
Maria Scoble 0 No HeartStream Yet
Mariel 2 HeartStreams
Marion Vann 0 No HeartStream Yet
Mark Chapin 0 No HeartStream Yet
Mary Baker Eddy 1 HeartStream
Mary Bruckner 0 No HeartStream Yet
Mary Rose of the 7 Eagles 0 No HeartStream Yet
Mary W 1 HeartStream
Mary-Lyn 1 HeartStream
Maryon 1 HeartStream
Master Harmonious 0 No HeartStream Yet
Master Marvelous 1 HeartStream
Master of Paris 1 HeartStream
Master Prescient 0 No HeartStream Yet
Master SOS 0 No HeartStream Yet
Master Victor US 0 No HeartStream Yet
Matriel 13 HeartStreams
Mattie Stepanek 0 No HeartStream Yet
Maximus 11 HeartStreams
Maya Angelou 0 No HeartStream Yet
Melchizedek 19 HeartStreams

31 HeartStreams
Metatron 6 HeartStreams
Methuselah 4 HeartStreams
Micah 12 HeartStreams
Michael 67 Information

Michael Welzel
1 HeartStream
Mickael 0 No HeartStream Yet
Milarepa 4 HeartStreams
Mother Maathai 0 No HeartStream Yet

Mother Mary
431 Information
Mother Teresa 4 HeartStreams
Mothers of Love 1 HeartStream
Muse of Truth 1 HeartStream
Muses 1 HeartStream

44 Information
Nada Rayborn 3 HeartStreams
Nada Rose 0 No HeartStream Yet
Nadean Croskey 0 No HeartStream Yet
Nadiel 1 HeartStream
Najah 2 HeartStreams
Nameless Buddha of the Crystal Light 1 HeartStream
Nameless One 1 HeartStream
Nelma Reese 0 No HeartStream Yet
Neptune 18 HeartStreams
Neroli Duffy 0 No HeartStream Yet
Nicholas Roerich 3 HeartStreams
Nine Choirs of Angels 0 No HeartStream Yet
Old Man of the Hills 3 HeartStreams

17 HeartStreams

46 Information
Omri-Tas 17 HeartStreams
Oriel 13 HeartStreams
Oromasis 18 HeartStreams
Orville Armstrong 0 No HeartStream Yet
Padma Sambhava 24 HeartStreams
Padmasambhava 24 HeartStreams
Padre Pio 35 HeartStreams
Paivi King 0 No HeartStream Yet

Pallas Athena
22 HeartStreams
Pandaravasini 0 No HeartStream Yet
Paracletus 9 HeartStreams
Parvati 4 HeartStreams
Patheos 2 HeartStreams
Patricia Dewitt 0 No HeartStream Yet
Patricia Harth 0 No HeartStream Yet
Paul O'Neil 0 No HeartStream Yet

Paul the Venetian
34 Information
Peace 21 HeartStreams
Pearl 4 HeartStreams
Pearl Dorris 1 HeartStream
Pelleur 17 HeartStreams
Persephone 0 No HeartStream Yet
Persiel 13 HeartStreams
Persis McDonald 0 No HeartStream Yet
Peter Deunov 10 Information
Phylos the Tibetan 1 HeartStream

68 HeartStreams
Prajnaparamita 6 HeartStreams
Progeneta 2 HeartStreams
Purity 19 HeartStreams
Queen of Light 36 HeartStreams
Ra Mu 1 HeartStream
Radha 0 No HeartStream Yet
Ralph Yaney 0 No HeartStream Yet
Rama 6 HeartStreams
Ramael 3 HeartStreams
Randolph Mack 0 No HeartStream Yet
Raphael 28 HeartStreams
Ratnasambhava 6 HeartStreams
Ray-O-Light 10 HeartStreams
Rebecca of Lisieux 0 No HeartStream Yet
Regiel 13 HeartStreams
Rev Kathleen Moorcroft 0 No HeartStream Yet
Rex 7 HeartStreams
Richard Johnson 0 No HeartStream Yet
Robert Telljohn 0 No HeartStream Yet
Ron Jenson 0 No HeartStream Yet
Ron Kirk 0 No HeartStream Yet
Rose of Light 14 HeartStreams
Rosemary Galgano 0 No HeartStream Yet
Ruby Love 0 No HeartStream Yet
Ruth 1 HeartStream
Ruth Hawkins 8 HeartStreams
Ruth Jones 0 No HeartStream Yet
SaAnanda Kumara 3 HeartStreams
Saint Anne 1 HeartStream
Saint Anthony 2 HeartStreams
Saint Bernadette 1 HeartStream
Saint Gemma 2 HeartStreams

Saint Germain
313 Information
Saint Patrick 16 HeartStreams
Saint Teresa de Los Andes 2 HeartStreams
Saint Therese of Lisieux 7 HeartStreams
Sam McGill 0 No HeartStream Yet
Samayatara 0 No HeartStream Yet
SaNa Kumara 3 HeartStreams
Sanat Kumara 67 HeartStreams
SaNaTana Kumara 3 HeartStreams
Sanatka Kumara 3 HeartStreams
Saphira 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sarada Devi 1 HeartStream
Sarasvati 6 HeartStreams

Serapis Bey
43 Information
Serjuvial 0 No HeartStream Yet
Servatus 4 HeartStreams
Seven Archangels 3 HeartStreams
Seven Archeiai 2 HeartStreams
Seven Chohans 1 HeartStream
Seven Holy Kumaras 3 HeartStreams
Shelvie Rettman 0 No HeartStream Yet
Shervanah 0 No HeartStream Yet
Shiva 20 HeartStreams
Sidney Jones 0 No HeartStream Yet
Signe Tonnessen 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sigrid Carlson 0 No HeartStream Yet
Silent One 1 HeartStream
Simon the Cyrene 1 HeartStream
Sir Allwin 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Andres 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Auriel 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Bernard 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Dagoberto 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Emmanuel 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Forgione 1 HeartStream
Sir Grandpeer 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Lewellyn 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Patrick 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Pierre 1 HeartStream
Sir Radiant 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sir Templeton 0 No HeartStream Yet

Sir Vector
6 HeartStreams
SIR, The Lord of the World of Sirius 1 HeartStream
Sister Natacha 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sita 1 HeartStream
Snow King 4 HeartStreams
Snow Queen 3 HeartStreams
Solar Hierarchy of Aquarius 1 HeartStream
Solar Logoi 5 HeartStreams
Solar Lords of Cancer 1 HeartStream
Solara 2 HeartStreams
Solaria 3 HeartStreams
Solarus 2 HeartStreams
Soliel 6 HeartStreams
Sora 1 HeartStream
Spirit of Aquarius 2 HeartStreams
Spirit of Chile 3 HeartStreams
Spirit of China 1 HeartStream
Spirit of Christmas 3 HeartStreams
Spirit of Europe 2 HeartStreams
Spirit of Ghana 2 HeartStreams
Spirit of Grace 1 HeartStream
Spirit of Mexico 2 HeartStreams
Spirit of Norway 1 HeartStream
Spirit of Selflessness 1 HeartStream
Spirit of Soulfulness 1 HeartStream
Spirit of Sweden 1 HeartStream
Spirit of the Cosmic Christ 1 HeartStream
Spirit of the I AM 0 No HeartStream Yet
Spirit of the Violet Laser Light 0 No HeartStream Yet
Spirit of Yosemite 1 HeartStream
Sponsoring Masters of The Hearts Center 2 HeartStreams
Sponsors of Youth 1 HeartStream
Stefania Ziemak 0 No HeartStream Yet
Stephen Covey 0 No HeartStream Yet
Steven Smith 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sujata Kumara 3 HeartStreams
Surya 23 HeartStreams
Suryaji 7 HeartStreams
Susan Brailsford McKevitt 0 No HeartStream Yet
Sweet Martha 0 No HeartStream Yet

Tara the White Goddess
3 HeartStreams
The Divine Mother 2 HeartStreams
The Divine Mothers 1 HeartStream
The Five Dhyani Buddha Consorts 2 HeartStreams
The Holy Family 6 HeartStreams
The Lords of the Flame from Arcturus 1 HeartStream
The Mothers of Heaven 0 No HeartStream Yet
The Virtues 0 No HeartStream Yet
The Voice of The I AM 3 HeartStreams
Theosophia 0 No HeartStream Yet
Theresa LaTour 0 No HeartStream Yet
Thomas Gulick 0 No HeartStream Yet
Thomas Rutherford 0 No HeartStream Yet
Thor 15 HeartStreams
Unity 3 HeartStreams
Unnamed Buddha from Shambhala 1 HeartStream
Unnamed Master From the East 1 HeartStream
Unnamed Solar Being from the Central Sun 1 HeartStream
Uriel 19 HeartStreams
Uzziel 4 HeartStreams
Vagela 13 HeartStreams

9 HeartStreams
Vaivasvata Manu 10 HeartStreams
Vajrasattva 6 HeartStreams
Vajrasatvatmika 0 No HeartStream Yet
Valerie Dear 0 No HeartStream Yet
Valiant 5 HeartStreams
Vasudeva 2 HeartStreams

32 HeartStreams
Verity, Angel of Truth 1 HeartStream
Verjan 0 No HeartStream Yet

4 HeartStreams
Veronica Virtue 0 No HeartStream Yet

6 HeartStreams
Vestrea 5 HeartStreams
Victor 0 No HeartStream Yet
Victoria 19 HeartStreams
Victory 78 HeartStreams
Viola Marie Scully 0 No HeartStream Yet
Virgil, Angel of Deliverance 4 HeartStreams
Virginia 20 HeartStreams
Virginia Fellows 0 No HeartStream Yet
Virgo 23 HeartStreams
Virtue 4 HeartStreams
Virtuel 6 HeartStreams
Vishnu 3 HeartStreams
Vistala 1 HeartStream
Viztrulia 0 No HeartStream Yet
Voice of Divine Reason 1 HeartStream
Voice of Freedom 1 HeartStream
Voice of Stillness 1 HeartStream
Voice of the Great Silence 1 HeartStream
Volta 1 HeartStream
Voltara 0 No HeartStream Yet
Walter Maunz 0 No HeartStream Yet
Warren Carter 1 HeartStream
Warren Wallring 1 HeartStream
Wayne Dyer 0 No HeartStream Yet
White Tara 2 HeartStreams
Will 0 No HeartStream Yet
Yogananda 2 HeartStreams
Zadkiel 37 HeartStreams
Zarathustra 18 HeartStreams
Zorah 1 HeartStream

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All images used with permission.