In the Garden with Anastasia IV (June 16)
and Beginning the Next Day:
Divine Mercy Comes to Save You and the Earth! Kuan Yin and the Heavenly Mothers East and West Inaugurate a New Golden Cycle of Mercy (June 17-20)
in Livingston, Montana
Register for both. It's a package deal!

David Christopher Lewis talks about the upcoming Anastasia workshop:
Listen or View Video Here
Experience Conscious, Cosmic Gardening with Us!
Anastasia, of the Ringing Cedars Series, and the Ascended Lady Master Flower A. Newhouse will share through David Christopher Lewis exciting new teachings on natural living, conscious gardening, and permaculture, including…
The Magic of the Tree Devas
Trees are nature’s air-purifying alchemists and the devic beings who overshine them perform one of the greatest services to the Earth and to humanity. Learn how they perform their special divine magic, which helps hold a harmonic and energetic balance for earth, water, air and fire.
The Flowering of Consciousness—Body, Mind and Soul
Anastasia collaborates with the Ascended Lady Master Flower A. Newhouse to share with us keys to our “flowering” or Self-realization and enlightenment by being attentive to our Buddha Nature and living in harmony with the laws and ways of nature.
How to Photosynthesize Divine Light Within
Learn some of the deeper secrets of the solar sciences within a sacred darshan with Anastasia and Flower where you may ask questions and receive their wisdom teachings.
A Practical Exercise in Connecting and Attuning with the Elementals—Earth, Water, Air and Fire
As weather and time permit, assist in some permaculture work related to the topics that Mona will be sharing on working with nature to co-create a food forest.
Food Forests
Anastasia leaves her nourishment and life support up to Nature! See first-hand how the goals of a food forest support our life on planet Earth. Touring the newly installed ¾ acre food forest, you will learn about...
- Plants appropriate for our climatic zone.
- The “hows” and “whys” of compatible plant placement.
- The necessary information for successful planting.
With the basics of this example you can duplicate an edible foodscape wherever you choose. Using the wisdom of the trees, elevated biotics for our health and well-being, and connecting with Nature’s abundant rhythm of life, we empower ourselves and others to create our space of love and to give the gift of new life to our planet.
Come prepared to weed, plant and shore up this sacred site. And while you are here, take time to meet and commune with the new three baby Siberian Cedars!