
"We must get back to nature in the sense that we must understand the oneness of life. Permaculture is a key in this, because instead of having huge farms growing one crop and depleting the soil and messing with Mother Nature in the way that we have done, with permaculture we understand the delicate fabric and the balance of life."

- El Morya, February 06, 2009

A New, Aquarian Methodology

"We’d had agriculture for 7,000 years, and we’d been losing for 7,000 years — everything was turning into desert. So I wondered, can we build systems that obey ecological principles?"

- Bill Mollison


"Permaculture as a design system contains nothing new. It arranges what was always there in a different way, so that it works to conserve energy or to generate more energy than it consumes. What is novel, and often overlooked, is that any system of total common-sense design for human communities is revolutionary!"

- Bill Mollison

What is Permaculture?

Permaculture integrates land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial synergies – imitating the no waste, closed loop systems seen in diverse natural systems. Permaculture studies and applies holistic solutions that are applicable in rural and urban contexts at any scale. It is a multidisciplinary toolbox including agriculture, water harvesting and hydrology, energy, natural building, forestry, waste management, animal systems, aquaculture, appropriate technology, economics and community development. -

Key HeartStreams

God and Goddess of the Swiss Alps Share Darshan Question Answers — God of the Swiss Alps, August 05, 2017 Listen  Read

The Elohim of the Five Crystal Rays Retune the Earth and Us with Their Co-creative Fires— Elohim of the Five Crystal Rays, June 01, 2016 Watch  Listen  Read

God Tabor Radiates God-Consciousness around the World and Gives Each of Us a Gift of a Gold Nugget — God Tabor, February 19, 2015 Listen  Read

The God and Goddess of the Swiss Alps Bless the Entire Alpine Region with God’s Loving Grace — God of the Swiss Alps, November 15, 2014 Watch  Listen  Read

You May Access Eternal Truth in Nature— Beloved Orion, Old Man of the Hills, March 19, 2013 Listen  Read

Seeding the Earth with Love-Wisdom Help the Earth Again Become a Garden Paradise— Beloved Jasmine, March 20, 2010 Listen  Read

Gardening with God for the Benefit of Family, Loved Ones and Community: Enable Your Youth by Your Own Shining Example— Beloved Portia 04-06-2012 Listen  Read

Kuan Yin reminds us to read David Henry Thoreau regarding knowing mercy in nature—Beloved Kuan Yin 03-25-12  Listen

We Deliver Unto Mankind The Four Cosmic Forces For The Stabilization Of Earth, Air, Fire And Water Within You Work To Establish Harmony And Balance — Hierarchs of the Elementals, May 01, 2006 Listen  Read

Essential Reading


Why Garden?

“All the world’s problems can be solved in a garden.” - Geoff Lawton

Spiritual Benefits

Gardening helps to bring us into spiritual alignment; it is recommended by the masters and Anastasia.


Planting seeds that bear fruits and vegetables is the real-life fulfillment of the law of abundance.

Crystal Rays

The crystal rays, which emanate from our hands,  feet, and thymus, are directly employed when working with mother earth.

True Organic

To get the most nutrient-dense, chemical-free, non-irradiated food, we must grow it ourselves.

Medical Medium

Anthony William has recommended our diet be mostly fruits and vegetables. Gardening helps us achieve that.


High quality food is priced at a premium; by growing our own, we save money.

Paradise Permaculture

Paradise Permaculture Institute is a Montana Corporation for education of sustainable, edible gardens and landscapes. Mona Lewis, its co-founder, is a certified Instructor of Permaculture and a Permaculture Design Consultant through two organizations: Midwest Permaculture and Gorgeous & Edible Landscapes.


Transformational Change

Over the years David and Mona Lewis have transformed nearly six acres of land through permaculture principles.

Rolling High Tunnel Greenhouse

The greenhouse is on a moveable track to three different plots, extending the growing space.

Raspberry/Strawberry Patch

Raspberries, strawberries, horseradish and rhubarb have a protected growing area.

Crater Garden

A SW berm with three terraces are positioned inside, blocks the windy side of the property, to create a micro-climate for a diversity of edible plants.


With the same pattern as the Chartres Cathedral in France, people follow the single meditative pathway to the center and back again. 

Anastasia Foundation

The Anastasia Foundation is building the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement in the English-speaking world by connecting, inspiring, and empowering Ringing Cedars readers.

Connect with people all over the world with interests in spirituality and permaculture!

Healing Light Retreat

The Healing Light Retreat is a nondenominational healing center that welcomes all who seek wholeness and healing. It is located near Emigrant, Montana in the Paradise Valley area. The Healing Light Retreat is meant to be a secondary healing retreat for Mother Mary’s devotees in the West.

It features two permaculture gardens in the rugged wilderness of Paradise Valley, Montana.

Video Links

A Thousand Suns (video) tells the story of the Gamo Highlands of the African Rift Valley and the unique worldview held by the people of the region. This isolated area has remained remarkably intact both biologically and culturally. It is one of the most densely populated rural regions of Africa yet its people have been farming sustainably for 10,000 years. Shot in Ethiopia, New York and Kenya, the film explores the modern world's untenable sense of separation from and superiority over nature and how the interconnected worldview of the Gamo people is fundamental in achieving long-term sustainability, both in the region and beyond.

Boyd's Terrace Garden with Sheet Mulching video Watch


More Books

Secret Teachings of Plants Book

The Secret Teachings of Plants: The Intelligence of the Heart in the Direct Perception of Nature by Stephen Harrod Buhner

Buhner takes us on a journey from the mode of linear analytical thinking to intutive perception, feeling and sensing all of nature with ones heart and total being.

This quote sums it up: “I like to think of nature as unlimited broadcasting stations through which God speaks to us every day, every hour and every moment of our lives, if we will only tune in and remain so.” —George Washington Carver

The Elves of Lily Hill Farm Book

The Elves of Lily Hill Farm by Penny Kelly

This book chronicles the author's experience with the nature spirits in her vineyards. At first she was startled by the voices of the little elves and could hardly believe what she was experiencing. Eventually Kelly began implementing their gardening advice to her immense joy and amazement.

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture Book

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture by Sepp Holzer

Sepp Holtzer is considered one of the authorities and pioneers of the Permaculture movement. He transformed a farm on the rocky hillsides of Austria to a magnificent example of what one can do when in harmony with nature.

Secrets of the Soil Book

Secrets of the Soil: New Solutions for Restoring Our Planet by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird
Paperback 422 pages

A compendium on the science and metaphysics of soil, agriculture, and the environment. Going beyond the rudiments of biology, the authors demonstrate that the inherent life force woven through all plants, stones, soil, water, and air is central to our survival, and our relationship to the soil is of vital importance to our future. You will not find this kind of valuable information in a textbook. It will change your life.

Quote: A single microbe reaching maturity and dividing within less than half an hour, can, in the course of a single day, grow into 300 million more, and in another day to more than the number of human beings than have ever lived.

Pray and Sing to the Elementals

Want to co-create beauty with elemental life? Our Aquarian Elemental Alchemy Service is a journey into oneness with God in nature. We invite you to give this prayer and song service outside amidst the flowers, trees, birds and bees as often as possible.


Midwest Permaculture blog

Geodesic greenhouse kits from Growing Spaces®, LLC create a new paradigm in solar greenhouse design and efficiency:

The Regenerative Design Institute (RDI) is a non-profit educational organization with the vision that all people can live in a mutually enhancing relationship with the earth. They envision a world in which people, inspired by nature, create and maintain healthy and abundant livelihoods that enhance fertility and biodiversity on the planet.
