Hearts Center Radio Interviews

David is interviewed about his new book "Angels, Angels, Angels" on Cosmic LOVE Radio hosted by Dr. Christopher Rudy
Angels, Angels, Angels! is the new book just published by David Christopher Lewis of HeartsCenter.org.
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| View Count: (988)
David's interview with Hercules Invictus on Pride of Olympus
July 19, 2018
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| View Count: (1710)
SOLove Inner Radiance - Featured Interview with David Christpher Lewis
With Program Hostess Jennifer J. Raffloer.  Visit her Facebook page to learn about the Sol2Soul Global Summit and listen to her co...
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| View Count: (1491)
David C. Lewis Interview on the Elysium Project
Listen to the interview conducted between Hercules Invictus on his Elysium Project online radio program and David C. Lewis, co-founder of th...
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| View Count: (1657)
David on Temple of Health Radio Show Interview Listen now!
Listen now!
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| View Count: (2177)
Gregg Braden on Thriving Through Change Beyond The Turning Point
With his latest book, Turning Point, Gregg Braden merges his expertise in leading-edge science with present-day realities to answer the questions on e...
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| View Count: (2871)
David HeartStreams with Saint Germain on Your Questions About How To Transform the Earth into a Golden Crystal Age
Saint Germain gave his Prophecies for 2015 through David on Hearts Center Talk Radio. Now the Master Alchemist and Aquarian Avatar answers your questi...
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| View Count: (3381)
Octogenarian, Lane Berk, Reveals How a Life of Action Can Change the World
At 87 Lane Berk is a living legend known for her action to help change the world whether in sub-Saharan Africa or in her home town of Baltimore MD. La...
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| View Count: (5905)
Melissa Joy Jonsson on Being in the Field of Your Heart with Matrix Energetics
Melissa Joy embodies the principles of heart-centered awareness and infinite possibilities through Matrix Energetics, a technology for transformation....
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| View Count: (5774)
Mary Kretzmann from the Ananda Center on a Healer’s Journey Knowing God is the Doer
Mary’s life is a powerful testament to the value of prayer. As Director of Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry, Mary Kretzmann is dedicated to being a ves...
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| View Count: (6643)
Saint Germain on Prophecies for 2015
David Christopher Lewis (Inspired by Beloved Saint Germain)December 31, 2014 10:00–11:00 am MSTHearts Center Talk Radio ShowSaint Germain’s Prophe...
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| View Count: (30613)
Dr. Melody Hart on Natural, Vibrational and Quantum Technologies and Therapies for Holistic Wellness
Dr. Melody Hart is a Naturopath and also a Lyme disease specialist. She uses amazing new technologies and therapies offered at the Hart Center for Alt...
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| View Count: (4130)
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Saint Germain's New Book on Alchemy!


Saint Germain book Alchemy
Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy
   by David C. Lewis
        $19.95   in our Alchemy Exchange bookstore                                

Read Chapter One FREE: 
"Establish the Platform for Your Advanced
Alchemical Works

Playlist of Hearts Center Talk Radio Shows:

Interviews of David with Various Radio Show Hosts




Hearts Center Radio Search

Meet Our Host David C. Lewis!

David C. Lewis

The Hearts Center is a worldwide community of heartfriends co-creating a new solar reality now through personal enlightenment. 


At Hearts Center Talk Radio, David shares the ascended masters' teachings to inspire, initiate and empower lightbearers. He invites you to engage him in discussing how these living messages and ongoing progressive revelations are relevant to your personal spiritual quest. 

Awaken to solar, unity consciousness. Join our sacred circle of Oneness!


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