You have a replica of the Maxin light as your own threefold flame that burns brightly upon the altar of your heart.
Yet, do you fan it consciously? Do you share your devotion
with the I AM each day in intimate moments of divine connectedness, where you put all else aside to simply be with
God in your heart, acclaiming that you love God, that indeed
God resides within you, and that through this alchemy of
oneness, you surrender to that I AM will and divine plan for
your life?
If, each day you reconsecrate a part of self toward this
divine experience and then you work assiduously to bring
some aspect of the kingdom of heaven into play within the
world through your gifts and talents, you will make that
definitive progress, you will come to the point of the fulfillment of your life purpose. Then, ascending in consciousness
day by day, one day you will simply be completely subsumed
into that I AM reality and experience the infinity and the foreverness of your universal nature, one with God forevermore.
— Archangel Michael