The Hearts Center 2019 Conference, International Congress and Pilgrimage:
Spiritual Families, Community and You!
How to Co-create Aquarius Now!
in Cholula and Oaxaca, Mexico
March 16-22, 2019
With David Christopher Lewis
Are You Longing for the Aquarian Age to Manifest Now?
Join heartfriends from around the globe in March in sunny Mexico, the heart of North America. Receive keys from the masters of light on co-creating the Aquarian Age now within spiritual families and community, and you!
The masters are calling heartfriends new and old to come together as one family of light, one heart, to pray, sing, meditate, and dance our way into the Aquarian Age with Beloved Saint Germain and Portia.
Lord Zadkiel Encourages Us to Attend
Precious ones, now I would speak to you about the import of your upcoming 2019 spring equinox conference, congress and pilgrimage in Mexico. These seven days together will be a grand opportunity to shine forth divine light throughout Mexico and all of Latin America—north, central and south. Beloved Amethyst and I will be there to assist beloved Saint Germain and all who will be speaking in their holy efforts. We will clear a violet pathway of light so that all who desire to support this work will be able to come and to help anchor a great light of freedom and higher consciousness in Cholula and in Oaxaca, in Puebla and in Mitla.
I say, be daring and decide to be there during this time of peril within the Americas. Place your causal body, through your physical temple of light, right there in the midst of Mexico to support our work of expanding the light of the seventh ray throughout the Western Hemisphere and beyond. Sacrifice your time, energy and abundance to surround the messenger as he delivers our words of fire and our messages of hope to a world in need of greater love, wisdom and faith in these days.
All who come will be supercharged in our radiance and overshined by our wings of light. All who travel to Mexico will receive a personal anointing and a personal embrace by the Virgin of Guadalupe, who will come alive through Mary's Presence as tangibly as if she were there physically with you all. Dare to dream big, and clear the way for even seventy and more to experience what we will offer of our miracles and our light.
Thank you, precious ones, for your service and your sacrifice, for your selflessness and your surrender to God's will always. Now go forth and work in that light and be free! November 15, 2018
Juan Diego Speaks of the Release of Light to Occur
So, my dearest friends, keep up the God-work, the good work, continue to pray without ceasing, study the masters’ messages day and night as you are able, and utilize every resource available to you to prepare for what will be a great release of light next March in 2019 when heartfriends from the United States, from Chile and from other nations as well as yours join together in Mexico in one of the most important releases of light in your nation in this century! December 20, 2018
Our Spiritual Conference and Pilgrimage, March 16-18, in Cholula
The journey begins with a 3-day conference and pilgrimage one hour southeast of Mexico City in the town of Cholula, known for its colonial and precolonial heritage.
We will begin each day dancing the Paneurhythmy, followed by prayers, songs, and devotions. Through David Christopher Lewis, the ascended masters will enlighten us on co-creating and expanding the new energies of Aquarius.
- Saint Germain and Portia: Welcome to Mexico, the Heart of North America!
- Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst: Blaze Violet-Joy Light Here and Everywhere, O God!
- Mother Mary and Raphael: Loving-Kindness Is the Key to Resolve Conflict
- Jesus and Magda: Darshan on Safeguarding Families through Faith, Hope and Charity
- The Divine Director: The Victory of Aquarius Now Fulfilled in You!
- Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus: The Power of Love to Co-Create a Beautiful New Earth!
The town of Cholula
During the afternoons, we will explore the town, visit the remains of the Great Pyramid of Cholula, and travel by chartered bus to the Santuario San Miguel del Milagro (Sanctuary of Archangel Michael’s Miracle) in Tlaxcala, where a miracle occurred when Archangel Michael appeared there in the 17th century.
Come bask in the new frequencies of Aquarius, enjoy the warm weather and sunshine, and experience the local culture!
Our International Congress and Pilgrimage, March 19-22, in Oaxaca
The Aquarian journey continues with a pilgrimage day traveling by chartered bus to Oaxaca, the southern state of Mexico known for its beauty, biological diversity, indigenous peoples and cultures, and ancient civilizations and pyramids.
There we will have a two-day international congress for servitors. Representatives from The Hearts Center International Council and our global Hearts Center communities will talk about their activities, ideas and inspirations for future projects. You are invited to add your light to the discussions!
Each morning we will dance the Paneurhythmy and have a devotional session with meditation, prayers and songs. The ascended masters will continue to expand our understanding and experience of Aquarian ideals through David Christopher Lewis:
- El Morya: The Joy of Communing with the Will of God within Families and Communities
- Cyclopea and Virginia: Envision Perfection with Courageous Love and Intrepid Joy!
- Kuthumi and the Maha Chohan: A Two-Hour Darshan on Establishing Physical Communities of the Holy Spirit
At the close, we will receive an anointing from Beloved Melchizedek and Solaria, his twin flame. Come experience this holy celebration of divine light!
Our pilgrimage will continue as we visit the sites of Mitla, Monte Alban (pictured here) and Huayapam Park for hiking, bike riding and enjoying nature. The weather will be in the 70s and 80s F during the day, a delightful reprieve from northern climates!

Monte Alban
Will you be there? Will you be a nexus for the co-creation of Aquarius in yourself, and your spiritual family and community?
Will you add your love and heart’s fire through prayer, mantra and song as we visit these holy sites to anchor and radiate light throughout the continent and the world? A week filled with activity on an international scale awaits you in Mexico!
Join us in co-creating this expedition of Aquarian Joy!