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Quote of the Day

Your I AM Presence is the only reality that counts as who you are, created in God’s image and likeness, aligned with the allness of God’s immaculate nature. When you live within your True Self, God is always front and center and present in your life, breathing through you, living within your consciousness as the divine ideal set forth within the blueprint of your being as the allness of Self, your individuality within the cosmic reality of the universality of God.

When you are real within the light of truth, God fortifies your will, broadens your mind and increases the radiance of your heart. As you feel this reality within your threefold flame as a sacred dynamic of beingness, truth is firmly established within you as your new and higher identity, as your own beloved Self, one with all other beloveds who are part of the Selfhood of God as one.

You are already complete in the eyes of God, yet how do you look upon yourself? Do you accept that you are a divine being? Do you accept that your true nature is what impresses its God-consciousness within your mind, heart and will in order that you may live in the integrity of pure beingness? If you will simply choose to yield a little bit more each day to the divine pressures, the quintessences of your Real Self—the truth growing within you will allow you to more easily progress on your path of oneness and rekindle within all the essentials of life that you require.

— Hilarion 

Heartfriend Wisdom

Who Are We?

A Heart-Centered Community

Our passion is drawing forth God's Light for the coming Golden-Crystal Age.

The Hearts Center is a global spiritual community united in our love of God as we experience the tangible presence in our midst of the ascended masters during our free, daily, live broadcasts and other events and classes. We come together in physical and virtual gatherings to meditate, pray, sing, dance and play to achieve personal and planetary enlightenment, Self-realization and inner peace. We study the masters' progressive revelations and share practical teachings, relevant for our world situation today.

We are heart-centered initiates, walking a joyous spiritual path together. Our greater spiritual family is always evolving, and we invite you to join us in all our fun and friendship on this sacred adventure together. 

Heartform for 2025

Beloved Gautama Buddha releases the heartform for the year 2025 through David Christopher Lewis​. 



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