You may be more of God each moment as you live
in alignment with his purposes, not so preoccupied with
the workings of the flesh or those things that drag you
down in consciousness to abide in a state of lowliness,
oppression, or the fragility of your own humanness
outside of the circle of God’s great beingness.
Therefore raise your sense of identity to be one
with God evermore. Know your immaculate nature
and remember always that you were created in the
image and likeness of the Almighty. Consider the ramifications of the original anointing of your perfected
Self as a seed spirit-spark of light in the beginning of
your existence. When you focus on this, all things in
God become possible. Miracles begin to ensue. And
angelic intervention, in answer to your prayers, manifests in so many beautiful ways in your life and in the
lives of your loved ones and those whom you cherish
through your prayers of conscious thought, your
ideations of beauty, your emanations of peace and the
radiant spirit that you wield and shine forth on behalf
of your creator, God.
— Mother Mary, December 8, 2012