Visioning the Future of 

Our Hearts Center Community

“We co-create what we desire to see through our mind’s eye lifted up to a higher level or vision than we previously may have believed possible. And when we together form this ascended-master heart-mind alliance, this heart-mind miracle initiative will begin to coalesce and precipitate through our collective efforts.” - Lanello & Clare de Lis

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13 Enlightened Bestsellers

by David Christopher Lewis

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Quote of the Day

When you believe that you can achieve, it becomes the new reality for you. When you have no doubt whatsoever that God is the great benefactor of all, the source of everything, the one who is the provider of all that you require, then there is no equivocation within your being or even an ounce or a shred of anxiety or doubt. What you have set your mind, your heart, and your will toward will be fulfilled now.

Remember that the miraculous is within you. Simply look at your own heart to see how God’s being lives within you every moment of your life through the spark of your identity—the amazing essence of God-good placed there eons ago, which has reincarnated within you through many life-forms over eons of time. When you focus on this essence, when you feel and know your union with the divine light, then all that yesterday seemed inconceivable, unattainable, or impossible becomes realizable because you live in the spirit of beingness.

— El Morya,  October 22, 2013

Heartfriend Wisdom

Who Are We?

A Heart-Centered Community

Our passion is drawing forth God's Light for the coming Golden-Crystal Age.

The Hearts Center is a global spiritual community united in our love of God as we experience the tangible presence in our midst of the ascended masters during our free, daily, live broadcasts and other events and classes. We come together in physical and virtual gatherings to meditate, pray, sing, dance and play to achieve personal and planetary enlightenment, Self-realization and inner peace. We study the masters' progressive revelations and share practical teachings, relevant for our world situation today.

We are heart-centered initiates, walking a joyous spiritual path together. Our greater spiritual family is always evolving, and we invite you to join us in all our fun and friendship on this sacred adventure together. 

Heartform for 2024

Beloved Gautama Buddha releases the heartform for the year 2024 through David Christopher Lewis​. 



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