Every relationship is a sacred opportunity to give and
to receive love, light, levity. Within this relationship, opportunity is extended to you so much from heaven for the
employment of your heart’s fire, your soul’s virtuous beingness, your mind’s awareness and your will’s thrust of faith
so that what you share and what you receive truly is holy.
When your relationships come from the space of harmony, understanding, peace and respect, there is a certain joy
field created that then affords you entrée into a deeper and
more profound communion with your Source. Collapsing
duality within the centrality of beingness you have set forth
within this space of oneness the mystery of life itself. God
comes to anoint that relationship. The angels of the sacred
fire sanctify it through holy love so that that love within each
of your hearts may grow and more profoundly impact you
and the lives that you touch within your givingness and
within the greater relationship established in your homes and
families, in your communities and nations.
— Charity