The Joy of Giving

Giving can transform your life! When we freely give, we receive blessing upon blessing in return. Your offerings and gifts to The Hearts Center make the difference, and we rely on your generosity!

With each contribution, you are helping us share the transformative teachings of the ascended masters with a world waiting to receive light and love.

We have no membership fees and only ask that if you have benefited from our teachings, you consider making a one-time or ongoing donation to help pay your appreciation forward.

We deeply value your trust in our endeavor to build an Aquarian Age community across the globe.

The Hearts Center Staff

Our Website

Your donation keeps our website, broadcasts, and online library open to all for free--now and into the future.

Our website is the place many inquirers encounter the ascended masters and angels for the first time. It is their connection to progressive revelation, their access to devotional practices, their discovery of the solar sciences of the Aquarian Age; and it where they experience spiritual community.

Our Operations

Your giving directly funds the expenses of our staff.  These dedicated teams handle the administrative, logistical, technological, and creative work of our community. Your financial assistance pays for maintenance and utility bills, rent, computer servers, publication activities, travel expenses, and salaries.

The Hearts Center sponsors educational and devotional events at its centers in North America and around the world, and through Meru University, our educational branch. At these events, David and heartfriends provide uplifting messages of peace, hope, and healing. Your support makes these magical encounters happen!

It is our great joy to offer scholarships for those wishing to attend our in-person conferences who may be experiencing financial limitations. Your donations to our scholarship fund allow us to provide a monetary boost to those who desire to attend.

And we are blessed to be in a growth and expansion phase, in which some of our Hearts Centers are developing into intentional communities. Your donations to our community-building fund will help make these Aquarian Essene communities a reality.

A Spiritual Gift

Your donation is an act of profound love.

Heartfriends are encouraged to enter a personal commitment to ongoing financial support. This is an investment in our collective future and in the planet’s future.

We are living at the dawning of the Aquarian Age, an era in humanity’s evolution that will redefine every life with its ideals of unity, brotherhood/sisterhood, peace, joy, and prosperity. 

An Aquarian Age principle is that money is energy from the Divine. It is our destiny to precipitate this divine energy and then invest it into worthy causes. The ascended masters have told us that our regular investment in God's work will manifest for us all we require in seemingly miraculous ways. And as we receive more and give more, the abundance spiral transforms us and empowers us! We can testify that it is true! 

The act of giving a portion of your financial abundance to our spiritual community is one of profound love. We humbly and gratefully accept your love, and we will continue to work tirelessly for your soul’s freedom in the light!

Animate Me!





"When you are in the "Grace Zone" of regular tithing there are so many things that happen favorably for you. The main reason I serve and give though is that it is such an honor for me to support in any way I can the projects of our Master El Morya. It always comes back to this for me. And He always takes care of me when I give my all."


"I have auto-tithed 20% of my fixed income for some time now. My previous financial state was budgeting to ensure the end of the funds matched the end of the month. Now I am seeing my account building up a surplus, sharing my funds with others and gifting, and receiving gifts to cover my bills, glasses, car repairs, and even have reserves to invest in my trip to Florida to be with my daughter for a month. I have enough money (energy) to tithe more."


"I actually went from donating sporadically to signing the auto-gift pledge form for the 11.37%. My concern was with an auto-debit pledge; would I run out of money by the end of the month or I would have to pinch my pennies and watch every dime? That has not happened. Since I started I have always had plenty of money."


"I had been out of work for four days and I had been reading the book (I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams by Thomas L. Pauley, Penelope J. Pauley). I had a dream that I should increase my tithe by $100. I wrote a check that morning and somebody called and gave me a job, which lasted several weeks. I received two more jobs after that. It’s all working out. We have had a lot of expenses this year, and we have had the abundance to pay our bills on time."


"After tithing 20%, my husband came up to me and told me he had the biggest order of his life—80,000 books! My daughter called and her contract was renewed for teaching for another year. My other daughter, who has a master’s degree and has been unemployed for a while, got a job!"


"I got an overnight package from my bank who holds my mortgage, and they offered me a refinance package on my home. I received it, and it lowered my monthly payments by $132, and I save about $25,000 over the next 15 years. I attribute this to the tithe dispensation of El Morya. Praise God and I am grateful!"


"When my husband and I had the courage to agree together that we were going to tithe first, no matter what, it was just like, bang! The doors of heaven opened up and it was almost too much to deal with. I mean, we hit the ground running and we could hardly keep up with it fast enough at the physical level. Then we had to laugh about that, because it’s something that we know. When you’re quiet and you sit and think, you realize, “I have everything I need. I have everything I need. It’s right here.” And we need to go in and just listen and find out if we really believe what we say we do. We have to really walk that talk, and there’s no limit if you don’t put one on there. I always say, 'This or something better. Lay it on me.'"
