Your giving directly funds the expenses of our staff. These dedicated teams handle the administrative, logistical, technological, and creative work of our community. Your financial assistance pays for maintenance and utility bills, rent, computer servers, publication activities, travel expenses, and salaries.
The Hearts Center sponsors educational and devotional events at its centers in North America and around the world, and through Meru University, our educational branch. At these events, David and heartfriends provide uplifting messages of peace, hope, and healing. Your support makes these magical encounters happen!
It is our great joy to offer scholarships for those wishing to attend our in-person conferences who may be experiencing financial limitations. Your donations to our scholarship fund allow us to provide a monetary boost to those who desire to attend.
And we are blessed to be in a growth and expansion phase, in which some of our Hearts Centers are developing into intentional communities. Your donations to our community-building fund will help make these Aquarian Essene communities a reality.