Enoch, the seventh from Adam, father of Methuselah, the great-grandfather of Noah, is scarcely referred to in the Holy Bible.
I Enoch, also called the
Book of Enoch, is traditionally believed to have been written by Enoch. And in studying these writings, the Christian academic, Dr. R.H. Charles, Yale University director of Dead Sea Scroll Studies states:
The influence of Enoch on the New Testament has been greater than that of all other apocryphal and pseudepigraphal books taken together…. All the writers of the New Testament were familiar with [Enoch’s book], and were more or less influenced by it in thought and diction.1
There is no doubt that the Master Jesus was familiar with the writings of Enoch.2 And upon closer examination, many of the key phrases and sayings recorded as Jesus’ red-letter quotes throughout the Gospels resemble the ideas and terms found in the
Book of Enoch.
Enochian scholars today have based their research findings on the original Ethiopic Bible, which includes the
Book of Enoch, first introduced to the modern world in the 1821 English translation by Oxford professor Richard Laurence. Additionally, the later 20th century discovery of several Aramaic Enoch texts, found among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran, places the origins of those fragmented pages of Enoch’s book at least 200 years before the birth of Jesus.
Why is the
Book of Enoch not in the Bible?
Why then is Enoch’s book not in the Bible nor generally regarded as canonical, official Holy Scripture?3 There is ample evidence that Enoch’s lost book story and its 1500-year disappearance from Western Christianity revolves around a concerted effort made by the (Roman Catholic) Church to suppress and censure its distribution. In fact, in the 4th century, some influential Church theologians decried Enoch’s book as heresy.
Despite the Rabbi Jesus’ recorded words citing obvious references to the
Book of Enoch,
5 despite evidence that the apostles and early Christians accepted the words of Enoch as authentic Scripture, the real mystery behind the story of the lost book of Enoch’s bible is only now coming to light. The reason that
I Enoch is not included in the Christian Bible today may be explained in part by the subject that is his book’s predominant theme.

Fallen Angels—Topic of Controversy
The controversy for many theologians regarding Enoch’s teachings centers on Enoch’s claim of a fall from heaven of a certain segment of the angelic realm. In his book, Enoch described himself as the Messenger of the Ancient of Days, who is referred to in Scripture as the Most High, the Great and Holy One. It is he who sent Enoch to Earth as a prophet with power to reprove a rebellious segment of an angelic band, called
the Watchers.
The Watchers were mighty guardian angels, charged by God to protect mankind. According to the
Book of Enoch, a small number of these angels, beguiled by the loveliness of earthly women, chose to incarnate and cohabitate with them. The children born of their unions were disclaimed by Enoch as “evil spirits upon earth.” In Enoch’s words, “The spirits of the[se] giants shall [be known] as the Nephilim which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise upon earth.”
Enoch’s Book—Judgment and Warning
From the mists of antiquity, before the Flood of Noah’s time, Enoch, the seventh from Adam, was sent by God to warn his children to avoid interbreeding with the descendants of the children conceived in the illicit marriages between earthly women and these fallen angels. The major theme of the
Book of Enoch then is the final judgment of those angels who fell from their heavenly estate, along with all their progeny. This final judgment of the Watchers is to occur not during Enoch’s lifetime but “in a generation which is to succeed at a distant period, on account of the elect.” (En. 1:2)
Some scholars interpret the time of this judgment to coincide with the years when Jesus walked the Earth as the
Son of Man and the
Elect One, terms which Enoch himself used when speaking of the coming Messiah.
Some students of the Bible, particularly of specific New Testament chapters and prophecies in Revelation and Daniel concerning the Last Judgment, believe Jesus took up the mantle of the Patriarch Enoch and that of the Old Testament Law and the Prophets. Students of the ascended masters’ teachings today, including those familliar with the Enoch material edited by the Summit University Press, conclude that the ministries of Jesus Christ and his forerunner John the Baptist were a fulfillment of the judgment prophecies preserved in
I Enoch.
The Spirit of Enoch with Us Today
Many in our community who regularly attend our online service broadcasts and keep abreast of the teachings of the ascended masters as delivered through David C. Lewis, acknowledge that ascended masters, including Enoch, with other heavenly beings, are able to convey instruction and divine grace through a living amanuensis by the agency of the Holy Spirit, much as the Old Testament prophets were the mouthpiece of God to the children of Israel.
Enoch is very much alive and present in the realms of heaven and has something to say to the descendants of his own lineage. How does the Ascended Master Enoch look upon what is occurring in the Middle East? What is his response to the desecration of holy sites and sacred memorials in Syria and Iraq at the hands of terrorist groups? You can read his words or hear his messages in our HeartStreams Database. Please refer to the database module on the right column of this page.
In what we refer to as a
or inspired message, Enoch shares the following message with our community and devotees everywhere:
O holy ones of God, though love is at the core of all that you do, understand that the law of love is also within the action of cosmic justice and judgment. God says to man,
Enough is enough! There is no more place for darkness, war and division upon my Earth—that which the Elohim have created and which is your own garden paradise upon this planet to live in. If you would choose darkness, then that darkness will proceed to engulf you, O souls.
And yet if you choose a righteous walk in light, then that light will be your guiding principle, the daystar, the polestar of your being, and I will live through you. The law of love and righteousness will manifest through you, and all that you came to this Earth to fulfill may be realized through that law of love.
Sounds very much like the words of a prophet who, from the outset, claimed that the Great and Holy One sent him to reprove the Watchers and to deliver the stern judgment of God for ignoring their appointed task of inspiring and raising humankind.
Enoch’s New Walk with God Includes You

In another HeartStream by Enoch delivered August 11, 2017, (View entire transcript by clicking on
icon next to "
Enoch: My New Walk with God and You" under the "Featured Heartstreams" module to the right) the Master cherishes us, invites us to include him in our walk with God. He offers his assistance and provides many keys to a victorious walk all the way to our ascension in the light of God. He says to us, “One day you will walk into heaven, nevermore to have to live upon a lesser plane of being, in the temporal realms of human consciousness. As you walk with God upon Earth, so your walk with God in spirit will be. So enjoy this trek, this cosmic journey, and embrace love and God always.”
At the conclusion of this message, Enoch chants. Here is an audio recording of this chant: