Mystic Love and the Way of Buddhic Beingness
Free 45-minute lecture
Friday, February 7, 6:00 pm Room: Century B
David will share an inspiring slide show and talk about how divine love has been at the center of his life and the means through which he was called by the ascended masters to be a spokesperson for them. His talk will include an exposition of the Four Nobler Truths and the New Eightfold Path through the Eight Heart Virtues and their meaning for today, revealed to David by Gautama Buddha on August 16, 2018.
Moving Beyond Simple Meditation to Mindful Emanation through Deep Stillness
Free 45-minute lecture
Saturday, February 8, 11:00 am Room: Century B
Find out how you can progress beyond simple meditation to a profound state of divine beingness through deep stillness. In this stillnes you will be able to engage in a higher Buddhic practice of mindful emanation known as heartstreaming. This practice is key to resolving all karmic issues and in helping to usher in the Golden-Crystal Age of Aquarius now! David will lead a guided meditation overshined by the Buddha Manjushri to access a state of divine equanimity that will change your life forever!
David's Workshops
Buddhic Mindfulness and Heart-Centered Living for Westerners
90-minute free workshop, Sunday, February 9, 4:00 pm Marina Room and
Post Conference Workshop (2 and 1/2 hours) $75.00 In advance, $90.00 at the door, Monday, February 10, 11:00 am Room: Century B
In these two workshops David will speak on the Buddhic practice of bodhicitta and expound on an ancient sacred Buddhic teaching by Shantideva called the Bodhisattva Vision. You will learn how to resolve karma quickly using accelerated techniques such as Ho'oponopono, radical forgiveness, and the violet laser light. These, combined with mystical Tibetan practices, bring loving joy into play every day and every hour. Each workshop attendee will receive booklets outlining practices that will help you to continue on the Path of Oneness and the ascension.
The Monday workshop will go into more depth on the topic and offer much more time for interaction with participants. The Buddhas Maitreya and Manjushri sponsor both of these workshops!