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0 Replies and 1396 Views Word Association  1396  0 Started by  Deleted User A lecturer from the denominational seminary was illustrating some point or other in an adult education class. ' What is the opposite of joy' ' Sadness,' answered the student. The academic nodded approvingly and continued, ' And the opposite of depression' ' Elation, another student volunteered. Undeterred the lecturer persisted with her questioning, ' And what about the opposite of woe' Quick as a flash, an old-timer in the class fired back, ' I reckon that would be giddy up.'
0 1396
01/07/2011 9:23 AM
0 Replies and 2010 Views Little Red Wagon  2010  0 Started by  Deleted User It was the day after Christmas at a downtown church in San Francisco. The pastor was out in front looking over the manger scene set up on the front lawn when he noticed the Christ Child figure was missing. Right on cue, he turned to see a little boy with a red wagon coming down the street and in the wagon was the figure of the infant Jesus. So the pastor walked up to the boy and asked, 'Well, young man, where did you pick up your passenger' 'I got Him here, from the church.' 'And why ...
0 2010
12/17/2010 10:51 AM
0 Replies and 1858 Views Nativity Fire  1858  0 Started by  Deleted User A rural church began the lovely Christmas tradition of staging a Living Nativity scene on the front lawn. It became the talk of the small community. A visitor driving through town stopped and admired the performance, but one feature troubled him. The three wise men were carrying heavy canvas hoses, and they wore fire helmets. Unable to come up with an explanation on his own, the tourist went to one of the church members who stood by. 'Why the fire hoses and helmets on the three wise men' he...
0 1858
12/17/2010 10:43 AM
0 Replies and 1473 Views Forgiveness?  1473  0 Started by  Deleted User Old Jack and old John had been board members at Prince of Peace Christian Church for as long as anyone could remember. They were constantly at odds with each other and at each other's throats, especially in church board meetings. When one would vote 'yes', the other would have to vote 'no.' One day old Jack died and arrived at Heaven's gates. He noticed how everyone was asked a question before they proceeded in. When it was his turn, St. Peter said, ' Hi, Jack. To see if you qualify t...
0 1473
12/05/2010 2:30 PM
0 Replies and 1486 Views More on Tithing  1486  0 Started by  Deleted User A rather stingy man died and went to heaven. He was met at the front gate by St. Peter, who led him on a house tour down the golden streets. They passed mansion after beautiful mansion until they came to the end of the street and stopped in front of a tiny shack without gold paving in front. ' And here is where you will be living, sir,' Peter announced. 'Me live here' the stingy man yelled. 'How come' Peter replied, 'I did the best I could with the money you sent us.'
0 1486
11/14/2010 3:18 PM
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