Afra, having ascended many years ago, is the ascended master patron of Africa and represents unity and the true understanding of universal brotherhood. His teachings if embraced by the people of the earth would truly cause a spiritual awakening.

Once long ago, a golden-age civilization of the Blue and Violet Races lived in Africa. At a certain point, dark souls among the people sought to drive a wedge into the established culture of harmony. Peace was overturned and the stage was set for the downward spiraling of this civilization. The basic sanities and civilities of life were eventually lost as brother warred against brother.

Africa in violet flame heartFrom the realms of Spirit, a Great Soul saw the plight of the Blue and Violet Races and sought entrée into the earth in order to help. Cosmic councils governing the destinies of nations granted this compassionate individual the opportunity to embody on the continent of Africa to teach by example the way to dissolve conflict through the sacred fires of Brotherhood. He traveled extensively, filling the ethers everywhere with the memory-traces of Unity. He was the living spirit of brotherhood in embodiment at the time, descending from realms of Spirit to save Africa from self-destruction. His message of “we are brethren” hallowed the space through which he passed and charged the atoms of man and nature with an energy field that contributed to the spiritual awakening of all within the proximity of his divine aura.

Afra’s emanation of love is a universal solvent for all conflicts between peoples, organizations and nations, or any disturbances on the delicate web of life. Like the universal Tao, the Chi of Brotherhood flows through the ten thousand things.* Only harmony and unity can exist between people when Afra's presence is invoked, and his holy reverence for each soul is perceived, accepted and permitted to flow. There can be no duality, no “us versus them,” only the harmony of Afra’s Spirit of Brotherhood.

*"Ten thousand things", a concept from the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, is a metaphor for infinity.

For more information, read: Afra: Spirit of Brotherhood and Living a Soulful Life

Audio Sample Chapter from Afra's Book
Read by Author, David C. Lewis


Brothers and Sisters of Afra


In April of 2005, the ascended master Afra spoke through the messenger, David Christopher Lewis, to a small group of devotees in Detroit regarding the possibility of resolving conflict—whether within a city or among nations—by embracing the spirit of brotherhood. His message also suggested that the people of the Blue and Violet Races (people with links to Africa) have special gifts to share with other races that will be invaluable for this resolution. The themes of Afra’s messages have always been to live and breathe in the light of brotherhood, and to love one another. He asks us, as followers of the ascended masters, to lead the way in spreading brotherhood throughout the world.

In October of 2006 during a pilgrimage to Luxor, Egypt, Hearts Center pilgrims heard Afra and other ascended masters calling for a more active effort to bring violet-fire prayers to the African continent. Afra and the masters told of the struggle of the people of this land. They requested that those who resonate with the souls in Africa come together and pledge to be the light—the violet fire—to heal this continent through their daily prayers. Records of human discord throughout Africa can be transmuted by those willing to commit themselves to coming together regularly for prayer to assist the masters in consuming these records.

Since that trip to Egypt, a group of ascended-master students have engaged in internet prayer vigils for the healing of Africa. Prayers are now being offered weekly to lift the people of Africa from a tumultuous path and to bring new possibilities to the continent. Through these vigils, we dedicate our energy, assisting the ascended masters and the angels in the elevation of Africa to a continent of only light, only the Spirit of Brotherhood.  

As we heal Africa, we heal the world! 

God bless you. Always and only Victory!  —The Brothers & Sisters of Afra

Spiritual Awakening Quotes from Afra

Afra Speaks to Awaken Your Soul
Great Afra Quotes to Read and Share!

Messages from Afra

10/9/13 Harmony Within You Directly Impacts Harmony Throughout Our Earth Harmony Within You Directly Impacts Harmony Throughout Our Earth

Pilgrimages to Africa - Click for more information

Luxor Egypt October 7-17, 2006
Journey to the Ascension Temple with
Serapis and Morya

South Africa April 27--May 7, 2009
Sacred Journey to South Africa and
Convocation of the Masters
HeartStreams from this pilgrimage

Ghana and South Africa October 27–November 5, 2011
Return to the Heart of Africa: Our Sacred Journey of Love with Afra
HeartStreams from this pilgrimage

Future Pilgrimages
Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania

Afra's New Book of Spiritual Awakening

Afra YouTube Playlists

Playlist of Soulfulness Discourses:

Playlist of Afra HeartStreams:

Gift items for Awakening Spirituality

Living a Soulful Life
Paperback Book $18.95   

New DVD Video!
Ascension Light Meditation


DVD $33.00     

A Gift from the Master Afra

This Ascension Light meditation is a gift from the heart of Master Afra with Saint Germain. It was released through David Christopher Lewis, messenger for The Hearts Center, in 2012 before a gathering of heartfriends in Detroit. Now Master Afra, by the grace of God, with Saint Germain, sponsors the lowering of a replica of the Ascension Fire Chair into manifestation over you. Re-experience the bliss of this magnificent alchemy as often as you choose to enter into this divinely inspired meditation.

Preview of the Ascension Light Meditation Video:

Celestial Configurations of Africa and The Caribbean

A fresh angle on Africa and a unique alchemical tool, for spiritual aspirants who desire to draw light from Heaven and into the flowfield of any African country.

Luxor Eqypt Pilgrimage

Nearly 10 hours of 29 amazing dictations and presentations from the 2006 Luxor Pilgrimage.

Table of Contents


The African Council

Just as Beloved El Morya is the chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Universal Great White Brotherhood and Beloved Chananda is chief of the Indian Council, so Beloved Afra is chief of the African Council. The names of the 14 members who deliberate in its chambers are as follows:

Members of the
African Council

 Line of the Clock


 12- Capricorn

Saint Germain

 1- Aquarius

Simon the Cyrenian

 2- Pisces


 3- Aries

Lady Adelphia

 4- Taurus

Lady Marchette

 5- Gemini

Goddess of Light

 6- Cancer

Sam McGill

 7- Leo


 8- Virgo

Lady Eunice

 9- Libra

Master Earnest

 10- Scorpio

Lady Violette

 11- Sagittarius


 Center of the Wheel


 Center of the Wheel


Featured Afra HeartStreams

 Afra Powerfully Reminds Us that We Are Divine-  November 1, 2014.  Listen 21 min

 Afra Discourses During Meru University's The Master Speaks Course.  Watch Afra classes #3, #7, and #11.

 Afra's Comments during the Afra Vigil  January 13, 2014.  Listen 20 min

 Find more HeartStreams from Afra and other Ascended Masters in our HeartStream Database.

Join in prayers for Nigeria, Niger, and all of Africa in this video. 

Sunday Evening Vigils

Join live heaftstreaming vigils for Africa with the Brothers and Sisters of Afra, Sundays from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Mountain Time. Tune in from The Hearts Center home page.

Through our vigils and our Afra webpage, we desire to share our passion with you for the healing of Africa. You, too, may join us in offering prayers and sending the violet light to Africa for the multiplication of the healing energies we will generate together.

You may visualize the entire continent of Africa or focus on a particular country. As you become familiar with the economy, political systems, environment, and challenges within each country, your prayers can become more specific. You may focus your prayers toward changes required on the physical plane and also on the mental, emotional, and etheric levels as well.