Love and forgive your enemies. Cherish the souls
that are within those whom you disagree with. Listen
deeply to what others express, even if they are in an
inharmonic state of agitation or reaction. When you
are calm and live in your Presence and speak by the
authority of the living light of peace within you,
others will feel that light, that patience, that inner
knowing by which and through which divine change,
the alchemy of transmutation, may occur. People will
be brought together in a circle of fellowship and
divine love to work out the details of how justice for
all may prevail.
Though some may see reconciliation as a
compromise of their values and goals for complete
liberation, it is the only means by which peace may be
bestowed and fulfilled in all cultures and among all
peoples. In our humility, our oneness emerges. In our
self-sacrifice, our brother/sisterhood becomes a living
— Madiba, December 5, 2015