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Last Post 02/05/2012 6:17 AM by  Dean Baylor
Wood-chip gardening--effortless, self-sustaining
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Patricia DeWitt

02/02/2012 9:25 PM
    Hi, friends. Check out:

    When God designed the food chain on this planet, he did it so he NEVER had to garden or tend to the plants. Forests and meadows throughout the planet are completely self-sustaining. Let's learn from OUR Father how it was designed to be done—effortlessly. We can do this, and Paul in the video shows you how.

    Wood-chip gardening: Paul’s orchard is 31 years old now, and it grows through drought or whatever and gets better every year; same with his vegetable gardens. Check out this wonderful video, all you future farmers and home gardeners. Paul spent years of labor-intensive gardening. Now he does next to nothing and harvests the highest quality ever, more each year.

    Watering: Wood chips are used for almost everything, including reduction of watering by 90-95%. There is no sponge that holds water as much as wood chips. Paul NEVER waters or irrigates his plants or trees. How about no more watering or irrigating, even for tomatoes and those fruits/veggies requiring heavy water?

    Weeds/Insects: Very few weeds or insects, and the weeds he does have are easy to pull. The healthy trees/plants take out the insect problems. Weak plants are overtaken by insects, and insecticides are killing the plants and are poisonous to you and me. Foods are becoming so poisonous that bugs won’t eat them. Did you know that flies won’t even come around irradiated foods?

    PH issues: Nature takes care of this. Acid and alkaline foods can grow side by side.

    Bottom line: If you’re working at gardening too hard, that’s not it; it is easy to grow your own food, and it becomes more and more labor-free each year. It’s a good, inexpensive way to eat AND a healthy way to live. Give it a try! You’ll have plenty for your neighbors as well, even with a small plot. It is the abundant life indeed. Gardening is about relationship with nature, with people, with life. Want to transform a child’s life? Let them plant and watch things grow.

    Big changes start with you. Get a shovel, friend.

    Paul says: Some of the vital issues facing agriculture today include soil preparation, fertilization, irrigation, weed control, pest control, crop rotation, and PH issues. NONE of these issues exist in nature, or in Paul's gardens and orchards. "Back to Eden" invites you to take a walk with Paul as he teaches you sustainable organic growing methods that are capable of being implemented in diverse climates around the world.
    Learn more: <>



    Dean Baylor

    02/05/2012 6:17 AM
    I have seen this video and it is very illuminating.

    God is very practical and all dead leaves, grasses, twigs, etc. have been put to good use to form a protective layer of soil that both nourishes the plants rooting beneath it as well as keeping moisture in the ground by preventing the moisture from escaping. It makes so much sense. Earth's forests and jungles grow abundantly without using fertilizers, weed killers or gardening hoses!

    Creating wood-chip surfaces is a way to restore our soils to their original health in a relatively short period of time.

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