Hearts Center Radio Interviews

Dr. Richard Bartlett D.C., N.D. Developer of Matrix Energetics®
Richard decided to attend chiropractic school after meeting Dr. Jacque Rowe, an inspiring and unique chiropractor. Dr. Bartlett attended Parker Chirop...
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| View Count: (6225)
Jennie Miles on Anastasia/Sepp Holzer-Style Permaculture as a Community-Based Economic Development Model
Jennie Miles is enthused about Anastasia and Sepp Holzer styles of permaculture and community-based economic development. Her background and expertise...
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| View Count: (2102)
Robert Tennyson Stevens on Mastering Conscious Language to Create Life on Your Terms and Thrive
Robert Tennyson Stevens is a master of language as the code of our consciousness. He knows if you can wake up to your words, to what you may be agreei...
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| View Count: (6755)
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens on the Rainbow Diet
Dr. Cousens shares with David his own dietary system of spiritual nutrition referred to as the "rainbow diet," based on the relationship that the colo...
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| View Count: (3579)
Angus McIntosh Biodynamic Farming in South Africa
What would motivate a successful London-based, Goldman Sachs stockbroker to decline a promotion, leave his job and move to South Africa to become a fa...
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| View Count: (1593)
Tobin Blake on Innovative Ways to Start Meditating Everyday for Health, Stress Relief and Joy
“It’s what the world needs now” -the deep peace and healing that meditation brings.Tobin Blake shares with David from his 20 plus years of practice...
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| View Count: (1450)
Tom and Pauline Pauley on How to Get Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams and Get Everything You Want in Life
In his book, I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am., Thomas Pauley and his daughter Penelope describe the simple system that took their ...
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| View Count: (1715)
Mamade Kadreebux Shares an Epic Journey of Travels into Humility
Mamade Kadreebux is an enigma as most great masters are! An author of five books acclaimed for their profound literary and poetic quality, Mamadetells...
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| View Count: (2350)
Annie Kagan on The Afterlife of Billy Fingers and Beyond
Annie Kagan is not a medium or a psychic. She did not die and come back to life. Yet Annie goes beyond the living to answer one of life’s most elusiv...
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| View Count: (1651)
Richard Bartlett on Matrix Energetics – How You Can Manifest Infinite Possibilities
Richard Bartlett teaches the quantum/torsion physics of miracles! This consciousness technology shatters preconceptions of the seemingly “solid” uni...
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| View Count: (4951)
Bill Wilson on How Permaculture Enlivens a New Culture
Bill Wilson shares his expertise as a permaculture designer, a Permaculture Design Certification Course teacher and a Teacher Certification trainer, w...
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| View Count: (1511)
Robert Thurman, Leading Buddhist Scholar and Close Friend of the 14th Dalai Lama, on His Passion, The Times, and His Newest Book
His colleagues sometimes call him “the Red Skelton of Buddhism!” Robert Thurman has emerged as the most charismatic exponent of Tibetan Buddhism in ...
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Saint Germain's New Book on Alchemy!


Saint Germain book Alchemy
Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy
   by David C. Lewis
        $19.95   in our Alchemy Exchange bookstore                                

Read Chapter One FREE: 
"Establish the Platform for Your Advanced
Alchemical Works

Playlist of Hearts Center Talk Radio Shows:

Interviews of David with Various Radio Show Hosts




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Meet Our Host David C. Lewis!

David C. Lewis

The Hearts Center is a worldwide community of heartfriends co-creating a new solar reality now through personal enlightenment. 


At Hearts Center Talk Radio, David shares the ascended masters' teachings to inspire, initiate and empower lightbearers. He invites you to engage him in discussing how these living messages and ongoing progressive revelations are relevant to your personal spiritual quest. 

Awaken to solar, unity consciousness. Join our sacred circle of Oneness!


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