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Last Post 10/11/2010 3:15 PM by  julie
The question of sunbathing time
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10/10/2010 11:55 AM
    I was surprised that Dr. Holick made a blanket statement advising people everywhere to sunbathe between 10 am and 3 pm. From what I have read and from master Omraam's teaching, sunbathing during the middle of the day can be harmful. Also, the time of the day depends on your skin color, latitude and elevation where you live, and the season of the year. Sunbathing at noon in the winter may be okay for dark-skinned people in London. Also, Dr. Holick said there is very little vitamin D production before 10 am. Again, that depends on the 4 factors. A light-skinned person may get plenty of vitamin D at 9 am on a mountain in Ecuador in the summer. Also, there are beneficial spiritual factors in sunlight in the early morning hours that are not present in the late morning and early afternoon. Master Omraam said in the Excerpt 2 from The Importance of Light that they produce qualities and virtues in us. I will consult with a friend of mine, Rich Blumenthal, who is an expert in vitamin D and who disagrees with Dr. Holick on several points, what he thinks about this question. I may invite him to the Tuesday Q&A session at 6:30 MDT.


    10/10/2010 12:47 PM
    Wayne-thank you for having this expert speak about his research. Cathleen and I discussed these very issues after class. The doctor is missing some very important facts that would come to him if he had been a solar initiate!

    His emphatic statement that our bodies can not get enough vitamins through our diet; that we require the deficit to be made up with dairy (he drinks milk) and supplements made me wince. This is false information.

    Of course his studies will show certain data: it is a simple deduction that Blacks and Hispanics--by virtue of the increased pigments in their dark skin suffer solar vitamin deficit. Their dark pigments occlude solar rays when they migrate to cooler zones, as these pigments were there to protect them originally when they lived in equatorial zones.

    Is it Divine logic that the Almighty would have put us on a planet unable to sustain us with perfectly healthy bodies? Obviously not. The Sun is what provides everything we need--through its radiance it gives us and our lovely elementals--the fruits, vegetables and grains-- EVERYTHING required for perfect health.

    Unfortunately, it is WHAT most people eat that is the problem, especially the fast food mindset. Processed foods contain genetically modified soy products, harmful preservatives, and many ingredients toxic to our system.

    I am a product of a (chemist)father who forbid milk, soda, red meat, processed food, etc. Instead he required us to drink non-fat dry milk, he made freshly ground wheat bread and cereal, lecithin (instead of butter), nutritional yeast, deep-green leafy vegetables, and he frowned on salt. We even had to drink cod liver oil until further research on organ meats took that off the menu. He grew wheat grass, which he ground into liquid (awful tasting stuff!). All of this more than 50 years ago before the health food industry made it fashionable.

    He specifically researched vitamin supplements and knew they were a very poor substitute for the incredibly complex spectrum of vitamins and minerals that only nature can provide. With better knowledge we can all be healthy if we watch what we eat, sungaze and exercise!

    10/10/2010 1:47 PM

    Dr. Zane R. Kime in his book "Sunlight can save your life," gives a different perspective in vitamin D supplementation, saying that it could be toxic to pregnant women and to children who don't need it. He says getting plenty of sunshine is far better than taking vitamin D pills. The question about what time is best for sunbathing takes up 5 pages of his chapter "How to Sunbathe." He examines the four factors I mention, plus the surrounding environment (e.g., fresh snow). He concludes by saying, "It really comes down to a program that varies with individuals. The best way to start is by experimenting, perhaps 2 minutes on each area -- front, back, right, and left side -- in full summer sun, and then one should gradually increase the exposure on each area by, perhaps one minute or longer every day. If you turn slightly pink several hours after the exposure, hold the time steady for several days and then start increasing the exposure time." He also said that 8 to 10 am is fine for sunbathing between April and September. Another thing he says is that sweat contains substances that absorb the burning UV rays of the sun. However, wet skin (other than sweaty skin) will burn more easily. Rich Blumenthal says that sweat not only absorbs UV radiation, protecting the skin, but it also transmits the beneficial elements of UV radiation into the body through absorption, and it continues doing this after we come in from sunbathing. So we should not take a shower immediately after sunbathing.


    10/10/2010 7:16 PM
    Just listned to Blumenthal's lecture; fascinating about the UV-cell separation leading to muscular health--fascinating.

    I am so very grateful for all your varied and diverse sources; your effort is making this one of the best Meru's ever! Thanks a bouquet of roses!


    10/10/2010 8:48 PM

    You're welcome! Part 2 of Rich's lecture is further down in the links if you want to listen to it now. Will you be joining us Tuesday night. I'll try to get some other long-time sungazers on as well.

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