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0 Replies and 294 Views Made Where?  294  0 Started by  Dee Stewart Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6 a.m. While his coffee pot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking, he shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA) he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN ...
0 294
01/29/2022 11:43 AM
0 Replies and 250 Views Hindu Story  250  0 Started by  edward An ancient Hindu story tells about two men practicing spiritual disciplines under a tree. When the first man, by divine intervention, found out that he had to live two more lives before he could attain liberation he sat down in despair. When the second was told by a divine voice that he had to be born as often as there are leaves on the tree, he began to dance with JOY. 'I will be liberated so soon,' he shouted. At this, the divine voice said, 'My son, I have just tested you. YOU ARE LIBERATED R...
0 250
01/29/2022 8:20 AM
0 Replies and 249 Views How to get the Police to Come Quickly  249  0 Started by  Dee Stewart Did you hear about the guy who called the police because he saw some people stealing things out of the shed in his back yard The police asked him if they were in his house and he said, 'No.' Then the police said that all units were busy, and he should lock his doors. They would send someone as soon as they could. The guy hung up, waited 30 seconds and called back. 'I just called you about the people stealing things out of my shed. Well, don't worry about it, I shot them.' In less than fiv...
0 249
01/27/2022 10:52 AM
0 Replies and 267 Views How to get into Heaven  267  0 Started by  Dee Stewart A man dies and meets St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. Peter says to the man, 'Here's how it works. You need to have one hundred points to get into heaven. You tell me about all the good things you've done. They are all worth a certain number of points. If your total is one hundred or more, you can come in.' 'Well,' says the man. 'I was happily married to the same woman for 52 years. I never looked at another woman. I was attentive and loved her dearly.' 'That's great,' says St. Peter. 'That'...
0 267
01/27/2022 10:48 AM
0 Replies and 272 Views A Question of Ownership  272  0 Started by  Dee Stewart Some years ago a New Orleans lawyer sought a direct Veterans Adminiistration loan for a client. He was told that the loan would be approved if he could provide proof of clear title to the property offered as collateral. The title for the property in question was complicated, and he spent a considerable amount of time reviewing all pertinent documents back to 1803. Satisfied with the depth and expanse of his examination, he submitted the information to the V.A. He soon received this reply from th...
0 272
01/19/2022 3:21 PM
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