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1 Replies and 4554 Views THE BRIDGE OF LIFE  4554  1 Started by  Rob I like to view these turbulent times we live in as a fragile, swaying foot bridge over a roaring torrent, a bridge spanning the sides of a precipitous gorge with men having to slowly wend their way forward across to gain the far side which represents the growth and attainment of the soul. Countless numbers, through fear, weakness of character,through their hateful acts against others or the many despicable acts which they perpetrate, fall away into the raging waters until the time rolls around a...
1 4554
by  constanceJump to last post
08/08/2011 6:19 AM
2 Replies and 5320 Views How to recognize and deal with an astral attack  5320  2 Started by  Wayne Last night, after breaking a 7-day water fast, I was having difficulty falling asleep. With my eyes closed, I began seeing moving images of faces and objects. They were dark and murky at first but soon became clearer. I saw a rectangular screen like a movie screen and it was just like watching a movie. I thought that I was dreaming and conscious during it. The faces were ugly and distorted. Some of them were like claymation faces. I could also see people moving very fast in grey color, like a bl...
2 5320
by  constanceJump to last post
07/15/2011 10:38 AM
0 Replies and 2361 Views Relationships  2361  0 Started by  Mariah Family and Friends, read, enjoy and then pass the biscuits!!! > > 'When I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every > now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made > Breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, > My Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in > Front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my > dad did was reach for his biscuit, s...
0 2361
06/05/2011 3:40 PM
1 Replies and 5030 Views Karmic healing and workshops Clairvoyance and Past lives  5030  1 Started by  Peter81 Hi to everybody! I am new on this forum and I see you discuss many themes. As noticed nobody knows the advanced techniques called Karma surgery (operation on energetic field) which includes a holistic approach to men's health and wellbeing. This method also helps to develop gifts such as Clairvoyance and ability to see Past lives in a very simple way. (you just participate in the one day course!). The techniques are being performed by two avatars: Aishantia and Eyohanyo. If you want to k...
1 5030
by  constanceJump to last post
04/18/2011 7:58 AM
0 Replies and 3525 Views The lesson of Silence  3525  0 Started by  Rob The lesson of silence forces one to see ones life and heart for what they truly are. The vast majority of people walk across the stage of life poorly trained actors reading hollow lines placed in their mouths by other supposedly authoritarian persons, or by the contents of secular scripture or other writings, never really understanding they simply live assigned parts according to the dictates of materialistic society, avoiding taking a close look at who they truly are on the inside.It is far eas...
0 3525
03/11/2011 7:14 AM
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