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Last Post 11/27/2010 12:01 PM by  constance
The Macrocosm/Microcosm Effects
 1 Replies
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Donna Korth

11/27/2010 11:13 AM
    As I meditated this week on the Macrocosm that is God and the way it reflects on the microcosm that is me/us, I was almost stunned in realizing that "I am God"(His spirit, His energy, His creation), the bottom of the figure 8 - my causal body being the top; and the SUN of our system being another microcosm with the Great Central Sun being the Macrocosm; and ME/US (we are all ONE) being microcosms of the Macrocosm/Sun (of our Solar system). And then I began to think of all the macrocosm/microcosms there must be and how they relate together in our universe - all the different interlacings - A GREAT CIRCULATORY SYSTEM IN THE BODY OF GOD! It got so dizzy-ing, that I had to finally give it up; all this as I re-read chapter 9 in "Predicting...". After all this, I was glad to go to bed.

    11/27/2010 12:01 PM
    Another perspective
    As I read and ponder on the thought/meditations on this class suject.The questions of the great Divine Direction and the responses to them by class members. I get a bit overwhelmed with the wisdom (erudition) that is drawn out so expertly as threads being drawn from a loom, by The Masters. Lisa with her gift of practicality, Boyd and his meditative abilities and knack of expression. I decided to see what the Web had to say,even 'tho I know that we have the highest teachings. I brought up some really interesting thoughts that were expressed on the affects of the planets on the human chakra's.(so yes, other people are searching for answers) Even "What the Blink" web site. Very interesting however many misconceptions that I am glad to come back to the wonderful Truths that we are being taught. The birth of understanding is based on the determination of the chela.
    constance welzel
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