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Last Post 01/16/2010 5:24 PM by  friend
Self talk upgraded
 1 Replies
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01/16/2010 4:30 PM

    I am working on consciously changing my co-creative language to create positively. One thing I did was one night last week when I woke up in the night and had a hard time getting back to sleep I used magic wording. My mind starts up and it hard to relax again (in the past, cancel, clear). I usually make calls and eventually can get to sleep. This time I made an I am statement that was, "I am relaxed and sleepy". It was like an eraser went over my mind from top to bottom and I was gone! I woke up an hour or so later and that was very near my alarm time to get up.

    This is another something I was doing to myself in the past for thirty-five years or more. I had tried to parallel park when I was younger and didn't feel confident so stopped trying. They didn't make us parallel park when I got my drivers license so I didn't bother with it much unless there was a lot of room and then I would drive forward in the parking place. I would keep saying I couldn't park parallel (in the past, cancel clear) and keep looking for a larger parking place or another way to park. One day I said to myself that I was going to stop saying that and start parking parallel. I have been doing it since (three years or more now) and I never have any problems parking parallel. I was creating my own problem by my negativity. I am parking parallel.

    Nancy Barnum

    01/16/2010 5:24 PM
    I can relate to what you said about parallel parking. I had a similar mind-set about getting anxious when driving on the highway. Lately I've been talking to myself positively about driving on the highway and I've experienced much less anxiety.
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