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Last Post 08/04/2012 6:08 PM by  Ardella
Week 1 Question: Understanding of the Initiatic Path
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Lisa Delaney

09/09/2011 9:23 AM
My understanding of the path of initiation is a process of flow. The Masters working with our God Presence send us love, inspiration and illumination each day in conjunction with the ray of the day and our own personal timetable. This flow of grace appears to be perfectly calculated to deliver the next and highest lesson required for our soul’s unique development. Sometimes we require the fire of the Mother to eliminate barriers in our being to coming up higher and to simultaneously develop greater mastery. At other times, we receive a nod of encouragement (on the inner and/or the outer) in the form of a challenging assignment. This is a particular blessing as I believe that the Masters work very closely with us on our projects, if we pray daily and ask for their help.

The goal of the initiation may be the ascension for those of us in this octave. However, I believe it is an ongoing process which continues beyond the veil. Therefore, I would more broadly define initiation as the daily, hourly process of refining our solar awareness to receive every more complex and beautiful quintessences of light in greater measure. Additionally, initiation is the mindful progression of our consciousness to allow greater measures of light to become a part of our being and in that becoming allow those graces to flow through us in conscious thoughts, words and deeds to bless all life.

As to where I think I am in this process, I have experienced a number of both physical and emotional initiations. Serapis Bey said that the process of initiation is spiral rather than linear in nature. Therefore this leads me to believe, that I am experiencing initiations in the area of the 8th through the 10th lines of the cosmic clock.

09/09/2011 9:23 PM
My understanding of the Initiatic Path is that one responds to inner promptings or urgings at a point in one's life to search for a Spirital awakening. This could take months or years. Once 'found' there is an internal shift. The amount of involvement is indicative of the 'rediness' or perhaps heightened intellectual awareness. It is a very individual thing, a work in progress. Learning about Karma/Dharma, one's Mighty I Am Presence,
connecting to the Divine, becomes a lifetime search. It is what makes our Now Reality. It shapes us into a gradual 'becoming'.

After 25 years of following the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, I feel that I am still in the early stage of where I am on the Path, considering the vastness of the spiritual environment. Not many know unless they have been told by a Master. However, occasionally I have been present when a Master has told a select few what % of Karma they have completed.
constance welzel

09/09/2011 10:33 PM
Many people make their debut on earth because they are choosing to have a new experience. They leave their “heavenly home,” where they experience oneness and communion with God on a daily basis, and move to the “world,” where they can taste different offerings. Many of these delicious “fruits” lead them into a life of duality (good, bad; right, wrong; beautiful, ugly, etc.) and separation from their Source.

The initiate is a soul who finally recognizes the transitory state of the trinkets and baubles of the “world” and yearns to return to the state of oneness she once had with her Creator. Embarking on this journey means returning to a state of purity where the light rays of her Source can once again penetrate and fill all aspects of her being. The journey requires balancing every jot and tittle of her karma, serving life and fulfilling her mission upon earth.

Returning to God is like going up a spiral staircase, receiving the same initiations again and again at more and more subtle levels to ensure that mastery of the spiritual laws leaves the ego behind for good. When this happens the soul leaves the world of the ego and returns to her heavenly home, her Source.

Presently, my initiatic path is focusing on dissolving certain, repetitive emotional substance that pops up as a habitual way to dealing with frustrating circumstances.

09/10/2011 11:27 AM
Path of Initiation? Initiatic path? Oops! Did I misunderstand something? I thought I was on the path of joy and the fun-way. Hum… Now I’m going to have to rethink this whole process. I thought this was all fun and games until we balance our karma and return to our father mother God and then it would be more fun and joy.

Okay, I’m only kidding. Maybe it’s really not all fun and games, but I guess it could be if we didn’t take life so seriously. So what is the path of initiation? My guess it’s different for each of us although the ultimate goal is the same: our ascension. We all have different backgrounds and different tests to pass and different obstacles to overcome. Perhaps it’s the path we must take whereby we must learn obedience to the will of God, become masters of some or all of the rays, are given assignments to complete, tests to pass and challenges to overcome in order to make right the wrongs we have done in the past.

As our consciousness increases we become more aware that our initiations, obstacles and challenges, which may be small or life changing, are actually blessings and we are so grateful for the opportunity to come up higher! Through our initiations, which may occur at any moment, we have the opportunity to clean up our acts, change the way we think, overcome our emotional baggage, open our hearts, assume our God identity and become love in action; and might I add, being joyful in the process! As I was meditating on Clare De Lis several months ago I heard the words that Joy is the path of the ascension!

So where am I on the path? The only fitting answer I have is I AM where I AM. I am where I am supposed to be.

autumn beauchamp

09/11/2011 7:54 AM
One of the understandings I have of the initiatic path is that they tend to come in areas of our lives and beings that still reqiure mastery and transmutaion, forgivness and healing.

This year I am on the the One o'clock line and so loving beyond percieved insult or rough edges between others is an area I have noticed occuring. It seems that almost all initiations are passed by being aware and heartcentered and staying focused and in love, and then having that love flow into all my/our God qualities and Virtues and faculties required for us to be victorous. I have noticed my initiations occurring through my emotional body. Having an aura of love as David and the Masters have spoken of helps by practicing and doing daliy Devotions and communion with my Higher Self and the I Am That I Am Source and the Sun. Staying Present in the now is another area that I have noticed that I am "working" on and then pausing to investigate why and what could keep me in alignment, presently heartcentered.

Also, holding the immaculate concept by having the God qualities of God Wisdom, God Love and God Vision aligned. This too I am working on - staying out of judgement and in peace with my self and the universe.

Thank you
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