2018 San Diego Prayer Vigil
Saint Germain on Soul Freedom and Self-Realization for Aquarian Initiates
With David Christopher Lewis
Feb.15-18 San Diego, California
The Ascended Masters Offer an Aquarian Awareness of Soul Freedom
Experience compelling messages from Saint Germain and many ascended masters through David Christopher Lewis in San Diego this February. Join us on the first evening for a Hearts Center musical hour followed by a message from Kuthumi on preparing for the peaceable kingdom.
On Friday and Saturday the theme will be soul freedom. Godfre will speak of God freedom, El Morya on the victory of freedom within, Saint Germain on freedom in action now and forever, and the Goddess of Freedom on standing in defense of our own eternal freedom.
As an Aquarian initiate, take this opportunity to impact our entire planet as you are empowered, encouraged, and reminded of your reason for incarnating now.
An Aquarian Valentine’s Day Special Event; Paneurhythmy; Mother Mary’s Heart Blessing
On Valentine’s Day (the evening before our event), the Ascended Lady Master Clarity, in celebration of her birthday and ascension day, has prepared a special Valentine message for each of us. Feel her love and support for you descending from heaven’s realms.
As a capstone of our time in San Diego, on Sunday, all are invited to dance the Paneurhythmy at the beautiful Questhaven Retreat. On that same day, for those attending in person, beloved Mother Mary will give a special heart blessing for the healing of America, the healing of relations between America and Mexico, and the healing of our hearts.
Self-Renewal in Sunny Southern California
With temperatures averaging in the low seventies during the day, enjoy our Friday afternoon beach outing—a chance to place your toe in the Pacific, play in the waves a bit, or jump in! Breathe in the fresh, salty air, listen to the surf and ever-present gulls. Through the weekend, enjoy the outdoors as you take your lunches alfresco at the local restaurants.
Our venue, the home of Dennis Fisher in Vista, dedicated to the work of the masters as the Temple of Clarity, brims with holy light from the meditation and prayer services held there several times a week.
So the sacred warmth of inner and outer sunlight awaits you in February in California. Bask in this light with the ascended masters and your brothers and sisters of light from all over the world! See you there!