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15 Replies and 21898 Views The Impact of the Rosary of Mercy in our Lives    21898  15 Started by  Sun Disc
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 3 4 )
The Impact of the Rosary of Mercy in our Lives. Beloved Kuan Yin sits on the Karmic Board and upholds the Flame of Mercy for all mankind. She comes to the aid of those who require divine intervention, transmuting karma, reducing our burdens and restoring Joy. The masters have taught us that Mercy is an aspect of God-Freedom, of Love, and that we should balance Justice with Mercy. It can manifest itself in many ways . . . Please share your stories of Kuan Yin's Mercy and its impact on...
15 21898
by  Translation by GuiomarJump to last post
02/24/2013 8:13 AM
0 Replies and 2562 Views Kuan Yin’s Ritual of the Sacred AUM  2562  0 Started by  Cathleen Kuan Yin’s Ritual of the Sacred AUM for China and Taiwan (This ritual was originally given as a HeartStream dedicated to California on October 23, 2005 in San Juan Capistrano, CA, on the 2005, California Missions Tour. The following is dedicated to China and Taiwan. You may adjust the location to fit your intention and dedication! Note: Throughout this HeartStream, Kuan Yin chants the AUM, pronounced ah-oo-mm, prolonging the syllables.) (Use this short ritual each day or whenever you desir...
0 2562
02/13/2013 12:47 PM
0 Replies and 3010 Views Loved the Kuan Yin rosary pics!  3010  0 Started by  Serena Thank you to Maria and Lisa and team. What a beautiful creative expression! I especially enjoyed Kuan Yin fading into the forest, when she was just visible to the outer sight like your inner eye was seeing her, along with Kuan Yin hiding in the trees! I also felt it was really powerful having the image of Kuan Yin over you as you prayed for world conditions (especially loved the mediating woman in white). It was all good. Thanks again for your huge effort. I know learning a new technology can be...
0 3010
06/23/2011 9:19 AM
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