The Ascended Master El Morya –
Biography and  Key Teachings

El Morya

An Ascended Master Who Embodies the Will of God

The name “El Morya” may be unfamiliar to some. But it is more than likely that millions have heard about one or more of his past lives. Because of his tenacious love of the will of God lifetime after lifetime, El Morya has come to embody the quality of obedience to holy will. Today he serves from heavenly realms as the Chohan1 of The First Ray2, the blue ray of God's will, faith, protection and power.

Obedience Brings Blessing

Abraham. His story is told in the first book of the Old Testament. Both Jewish and Christian children alike have heard the tale of God’s call to his obedient son. “Get thee out of thy country…and from thy father’s house unto a land that I will show thee.”God promised Abraham that his obedience would lead to blessing. He would be the progenitor of a great nation. Abraham left the house of his father. And God did bless him. Called the Father of Nations, Abraham, even in his advanced age, was sired a son, Isaac. From this lineage the Twelve Tribes of Israel emerged. El Morya was Abraham.

The March of Abraham by József Molnár - Self-scanned, Public Domain

Camelot—a Vision of a Golden Age

In the fifth century, a ruler of mythical proportion enters life’s stage. Arthur was the creator of the Table Round, a culture of brotherhood whose rallying cry was, “All for one and one for all!” His holy knights were reputed for their bravery in battle and service to their monarch and his kingdom. No myth, this noble soul forged a glorious society where respect, justice, courage and truth prevailed—the mystical Camelot. El Morya was King Arthur.

"King Arthur asks the Lady of the Lake for the sword Excalibur."  by Walter Crane
The Accolade by Edmund Blair Leighton

The Price of a Principled Life—Thomas Becket and Thomas More

Twelfth century England finds the soul of El Morya incarnated as Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, defender of the church and at odds with King Henry II. Conflict regarding the influence of the church in the political affairs of the realm rise to a fever pitch. And Becket pays for his stand with his very life, brutally slain within the environs of his own cathedral by four knights performing the king’s bidding.

Three centuries later, El Morya returns as Thomas More, Chancellor of England, during the reign of Henry VIII. And once again the soul of El Morya finds himself at loggerheads with the king of England. The same conflict of church and state arises, clothed in different circumstances. Separation from his family, years of imprisonment and finally a sentence of death by decapitation bring to a dramatic end in 1535 yet another embodiment of this unflinching soul. Thomas More’s final words to all who witnessed his execution were, “I am the king’s good servant, but God’s first.”

Sir Thomas More by Hans Holbein, Public Domain
Saint Thomas Becket. By Cnbrb - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

Akbar, Mogul Emperor—An Attempt to Foster Spiritual Brotherhood

A mere seven years later, El Morya returns—this time to embody in the East. He is Akbar, the greatest of the Mogul emperors. A ruler with refined qualities and varied talents, Akbar increased his kingdom through decisive action in battle but also diplomacy. He raised its culture through art, literature and architecture. Interested in all religions and religious practices but not the conflict they aroused, he desired to unify believers into one religion which he called the “Divine Faith.”

Service from the Heavenly Realms

In the nineteenth century, El Morya, while residing in the spirit plane, collaborated with two other unascended masters4—Djwal Kul5 and Kuthumi6—to work through Madame Helena Blavatsky7 and others in order to teach occult mysteries to a larger body of mankind. The founding of The Theosophical Society8 by Blavatsky in 1875 would be a major vehicle for this purpose.

Lifetime after lifetime, love for the will of God was the driving force of El Morya’s soul, even to the laying down of his physical life as Becket and More. The striving of this “Man for All Seasons” won him his ascension9 in 1898. Today, El Morya is the chief of the Darjeeling Council, a heavenly governing body who serves in an etheric retreat over Darjeeling, India. He works with many other ascended masters—Chananda, Kuthumi, Saint Germain, Jesus, Mother Mary, to name some—for the upliftment of mankind and an instilling within their hearts of a similar love for the will of God.

El Morya Teaches Us the Way to Know Life’s Purpose

In a HeartStream10 from June 13th, 2008, El Morya said, “Many desire to know their life's purpose. Few desire to know that purpose within the context of the will of God. And fewer still are able to let go of the human will fully to be absorbed into the heart of God's will through the sacred science and art of surrender. Those who meditate on God's love, wisdom and will within, day and night, create a sacred portal for their life's purpose to be fully outpictured."

Click the links on the side of this page to read and hear the words of this beloved master as he expounds on such topics as the nature of God, the Buddha, heartstreaming, the purpose of the rosary and the meaning of darshan.

Read El Morya's New Book

Advanced Studies of the Human Aura takes studies of the aura to an exciting new level. In Part One, Beloved El Morya presents long-awaited teachings that complete the trilogy begun by his holy brothers, the ascended masters Kuthumi and Djwal Kul. In Part Two, David Lewis provides practical steps to expand and purify our auras as he recounts moving experiences from his own life. Take me the store page >>

Advanced Studies of the Human Aura

Free course available on www.meruuniversity.org

Featured HeartStream from El Morya
Now, Zen and Always—El Morya's Treasure of Spiritual Quips

In the tradition of Zen masters, El Morya concentrates magnificent light and wisdom into gems of thought that can change us forever. The master’s purpose is to help us evolve beyond our current, limited mind-sets with his Zen wisdom.


1. “Chohan” is a Sanskrit word for “chief” or “lord.” A chohan is the spiritual leader of great attainment who works with mankind from the ascended state. There are seven chohans for the earth—El Morya, Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Nada and Saint Germain.

2. The first ray is the ray of God’s will. The ascended masters teach that the seven rainbow rays are the seven qualities of God that compose the color rings or spheres which surround the Solar Presence . The attribute of each color, or ray, is vital to our wholeness. The seven rays are God-qualities that appear as color vibrations. Each person in embodiment is meant to master these qualities:

  • Blue—the first ray: the will of God, faith and power
  • Green—the fifth ray: wholeness and abundance
  • Purple/gold—the sixth ray: service to life
  • Violet—the seventh ray: forgiveness, mercy and soul-freedom
  • White—the fourth ray: purity and holiness
  • Pink—the third ray: divine love and compassion
  • Yellow—the second ray: wisdom and understanding

3. Genesis 12:1-2

4. An unascended master is one who could ascend but has chosen to remain close to the earth in order to assist more directly its evolutions. In the East such a being is termed a bodhisattva.

5. Djwal Kul, also called “Master D.K.” or “The Tibetan,” is known in esoteric circles for his embodiment as a Tibetan master and also as an ascended being who assists planetary evolution. He was introduced to a wider audience through the writings of Madame Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society. Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, revealed that Djwal Kul had been embodied as one of the three wisemen, Caspar. Through The Summit Lighthouse and The Hearts Center, Djwal Kul has taught the importance of the holy breath and forms of breathing that promote spiritual and physical well-being and progress.

6. Kuthumi, an ascended master serving on the yellow ray of illumination was embodied as Saint Francis of Assissi. Master psychologist, his assistance may be invoked as we work on subconscious as well as conscious patterns of behavior that limit our ability to outpicture our true nature of compassion for all life. He serves now as World Teacher with Jesus.

7.  Madame Helena Petrova Blavatsky (1831-1891), born into Russian aristocracy, was an occultist possessing from early childhood psychic abililties. During one of her sojourns in Tibet, she was commissioned by certain masters to share occult knowledge with a larger body of students East and West.  

8. The Theosophical Society was established in 1875 in New York City by Madame Blavatsky with the assistance of Col. Henry Steel Olcott (1832-1907) and William Q. Judge (1851-1896) for the purpose of compiling and teaching the occult sciences. The name of the society is derived from “theosophy,” a Neoplatonic term meaning "Divine Wisdom." The Theosophical Society currently has its international headquarters at Adyar, Madras, India. The Theosophical Society of America has its headquarters in Wheaton, Illinois and its British affiliate in London.

9. The ascension is complete liberation from the rounds of karma and rebirth. In the ascension process the soul becomes merged with her Solar Presence, experiencing freedom from the gravitational, or karmic, pull of the earth and entering the bliss of beingness within God’s eternal presence of divine love.

10. HeartStreams are up-to-the-minute messages from the ascended masters through their anointed messengers in The Hearts Center movement. These messages vibrate with the masters’ love and wisdom and anchor light in the earth as they are being delivered and when they are replayed in audio or video format. They teach, exhort, bless, uplift and direct us in specific actions needed to assist not only ourselves but our planet.

El Morya's HeartStream Messages

10/9/05 18m Banff Harvest Conference 2005 Banff Harvest Conference 2005