No matter how holy we think we are, we all
require a daily bath. Yet this bath is a bath of light. It is
a cosmic, loving bath for ourselves and our souls,
because what we must wash first before we wash the
world—or think that we can change the outer world—is always our own inner being. The greatest saints are
the humblest, and the greatest masters are the servants
of all.
Remember as you move through your life, especially your elder years, when your hair begins to gray
and you have to use coloring to look young, that the
most important coloring is the inner coloring of the
violet light of forgiveness. This is what really makes
us fresh and new and clean and clear. It’s okay to look
great on the outer; however, God looks to your soul.
God beholds your inner being always. So we begin
from the point of our soul to express the loveliness of
our inner being. And by doing this, we are able to
enjoy God’s beautiful cosmos and feel our perfect
connection with all life.
— Archeia Amethyst, October 8, 2016