What is love? Love is the bliss of union and the divine
feeling that emanates to all life through this union. Love is
the energy that unites, that attracts all that is pure and beautiful and holy within every being and unto every being, and
the awareness within the experience of this feeling, which
kindles creativity and artistic expression. Love is creation
itself and all creative acts that expand God’s awareness
within the universe.
What is this love of the Golden Age that makes all new
in comparison with the love that we have already experienced?
This new love is total love. It is Solar love. Like the love
of the sun, it shines upon the just and the unjust alike. In other
words, it is unified love, non-dual love. We have tapped into
a unified field of beingness in which we experience the
whole of creation, even within our personal space and our
personal time, through which our consciousness moves. This
love is both universal, omnipresent and impersonal, and
specific, local and personal, because the Holy Spirit moves
through us to stream this love to all life and at times to pause
at one point to share that love in a very specific way with one
person, one animal, one plant, one beautiful gemstone.
— David with Jesus