Do you know that there is a divine being who is not Santa Claus, but very much like him? Yes, Santa lives! Well, actually, the Spirit of Christmas. This divine one embodies all that is true about Christmas and has told us that Christmas is not only celebrated on this world but many! It is the spirit of the Christ which is universal.
As a parent, I find it enlightening to find out what this one has to say that will help us parents in making this time of year more fulfilling and truly inspiring as well as fun.
For example, did you know that the decorations on the Christmas tree can themselves be a spiritual symbol? What could they symbolize? Your treasures stored up in heaven (Matt 6:20) and the gifts of the spirit. This can be your Tree of Life, not merely a dead, or living coniferous tree scenting up your living room!
Something else we can remember and remind our children as we chat with them here and there, is that Christmas is not only celebrating and honoring the Christ in Jesus but also in ourselves. It is not only the divinity of Jesus that we desire our children to know, but also their own! And yet, wonder of wonders, when we honor that light in him, we are automatically raised up as well.
Christmas is also a time for the true Christmas spirit to come. Of sharing, family, friends, love, hope and peace. Of peace on earth, good will toward men. A time when friendliness and joy can overcome division and when all return to this perfect state of perfect happiness in God. When there is truly joy and we embrace one another in laughter, it is somewhat of a return to Eden. I think that we all long for that perfect return to communion with each other and somehow, it often happens at Christmas, even if it is sometimes imperfect.
Another thing you may choose to introduce to your children is that the divine one, the Ancient of Days, also known as Sanat Kumara, came also to earth many ages ago like a true Santa Claus giving the great gift of his love and himself and bringing hope to mankind. (The Spirit of Christmas made that connection, not me.)
As you and your family prepare for Christmas, may your spirits be bright and merry and may you imbibe the deeper meaning and the holiness of the season as well as the mirth and lightness.
I desire to leave you with some personal choice gifts for those little ones in your care. And, if by chance you choose to purchase any, please consider clicking through The Hearts Center Amazon referral link. It’s such a simple, free way to help!

This angel doll also comes in other races and as a boy angel.

Cuddle a buddha anyone?

Paint your own gnome or maybe a fairy!

And finally, some beautiful thoughts from The Spirit of Christmas. This is an excerpt from one of the three HeartStreams delivered by this one through The Hearts Center. Check them out!
Come with me now, blessed ones, as you in your souls hop upon my sacred sleigh, pulled by Rudolph and others. As we go high, high, high up into the sky and around the Earth this night, this day, we see below the homes of millions of Earth’s evolutions, the smoke billowing from their chimneys. We see the fires within their hearts and we observe, home by home by home, the pleasant aura of givingness of these families in their sharing and receiving of gifts that mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, friends and co-workers and, yes, good old Saint Nicholas have deposited beneath the tree.
Now we wrap all of these families within our arms of love and send forth the holy radiance of the Christmas Spirit to each and every one. For where there is love, where there is family, there is the Christmas Spirit. And each and every one of you, as one of my friends and as a part of my holy family, may partake of this sacred ritual of rising on your wings of light and abiding with me each Christmas Eve and Christmas morn as we perform this sacred ritual of amplifying the light, the love, the fellowship and the family joy-spirit within each and every home.
- Beloved Spirit of Christmas, December 25, 2007
Tell us! How do you make Chrismas more spiritually meaningful for you? And what traditions does your family engage in to share the true Christmas spirit?