As a parent of two young children, I really appreciate spiritual inspiration and ideas which help me to be a better parent.
As a part of The Hearts Center community, I personally, really desired to have something to present that was an offering for families and parents and grandparents and all who care for kids. Something, that would inspire and bless and raise.
While I don’t claim my blog to be the only or last word on this topic, I truly believe that if everyone shared their spiritual path and journey and lessons, this whole world would be a better place. Now that’s something we all desire! For our kids and ourselves. So, here’s to a better world for all of us!
Please join me, either in your inspired writings, which you can submit, or in your thoughtful comments which I look forward to reading.
You’ll find my spiritual beliefs reflected in my writings. I believe that we are divinely created in the image of God, that we are powerful spiritual beings, and that we are here on a mission, among others.
Take one article or take them all! I hope that your parenting will be inspired and that your heart will be touched, your mind invigorated and your spirit blessed. As a parent YOU have the ability to bless your family without end.
And with that, let me extend to you a very warm welcome to Spiritual Parenting Made Easy!
Serena Gaefke