spiritual parenting made easy blog

Spiritual Parenting Made Easy!

Archive by tag: spiritualReturn
Start the Year Out Right!

Start the Year Out Right!

I’ve talked about this a few years ago, but I think it’s on all of our minds at this time of year. Another year over. What is in store for this New Year? How can I do better? It’...
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Let Us Pull Each Other Up

Let Us Pull Each Other Up

Beloved Fellow Parents, Do you know what makes me excited? I am excited that I AM awake and that you are awake and that together we are awakening the whole human race!
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Blessing Each Other

Blessing Each Other

I would like to share with you something fun that I do with my kids sometimes. I bless them and I ask for their blessing! I have to say, my kids are 8, 5 and 2, as a reference poin...
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Mothers Realizing God in Matter

Mothers Realizing God in Matter

Have you ever thought about the word ‘realize’? It’s when you see with ‘real eyes’! Todays’ article is about how mothers can help use their God-given abilities to ‘realize’...
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A Mother's Prayer

A Mother's Prayer

Lord, let me be a good mother, to these, your children. May I always see you in their eyes. May I look for the good in each day. May I always have faith in their highest p...
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To Be a Mother

To Be a Mother

To be a mother means to love all, great and small. To be a mother means you hold for all their perfect image, their true self pure. To be Divine Mother’s handmaiden is to first ...
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Spiritual Parenting Quotes

  • You must be the ones
  • sacred science
  • Beloved muses
  • Beloved Mother Mary - Little Children
  • Mother Mary - All Children Know
  • Beloved MM - Family of Heaven
  • Beloved MM - Holiest Place on Earth
  • Beloved MM - Eyes of a Child
  • Countenance
  • virtue
  • MM
  • JEU Bedroom
  • Herc Children
  • Herc - Children 2
  • Rex 1
  • Lanello 1
  • Rex 2
  • Goddess of Purity1
  • Theosophia 1
  • Theo 2
  • Theo 3
  • Saint Germain 1
  • Nada1
  • Nada2
  • Nada3
  • MM 1
  • MM 2
  • MM3
  • MM4
  • MM5
  • Lanello 3
  • LM Nada
  • Clara Louise


Click on title below to read Pamela’s information-packed article with book lists, resources, and myriad ways to introduce spirituality to your toddler!

"Everyday Spirituality for Families and Children" by Pamela Gembica

Goal Setting Magic Makes Kid's Wishes Come True! - Discover More

Most Viewed Spiritual Parenting Posts

Angels Family Service


Nature Spirits



Spiritual Songs for Families!

Spiritual Books for Children Series! 

This is a playlist of videos on "Spiritual Books for Children".
(Click on the top left side of the video to view the playlist.)

About Us

I blog on spiritual parenting and include teachings that have come through The Hearts Center wherever possible.

  • Are you a parent following a spiritual path? 
  • Are you an educator with a spiritual calling?

I would love to have you on my team!  Join Me!
Email friends@heartscenter.org





Spiritual Rituals for Families