Featured HeartStreams

Durga: I AM the Defender of the Mother Light within You!

Durga: I AM the Defender of the Mother Light within You!

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Beloved Durga?
David Christopher Lewis?
June 19, 2014   9:58–10:01 am MDT?
Reconnect with the Divine Mothers: A Summer Class for Soulful Devotion
Livinston Sanctuary of the Heart?
Livingston, Montana


I Will Remain within Your Being as Your Mother Defender


             I AM Durga, now living within you. For as I have absorbed and transmuted the darkness that God, and only God, has sanctioned to be removed from your world, your memory, your consciousness, so a part of me remains within your soul if you choose to have me there, blessed ones. And I, as your Mother defender, will continue to be there in moments when you require a sure defense.??           

            Yes, I am remaining within the centrality of your being, coaxing you to be Mother upon Earth for all the Mothers of heaven; admonishing you when you walk out of the way of the fountain of beauty, God-glory and purity; and leading you to the source of pure light, from which all originates, all flowers, all is.

            Now receive a waterfall of rose petals upon you. For as one has strewn them here, I honor her givingness. And for you all, whether as lotus blossoms or rose petals descending around your form, there is the distillation of that Mother current as a divine currency for your abundant life and for the bestowal upon and within you of heaven’s grace.??           

Om Shanti?           
Om Shanti?           
Om Shanti Deva?           
Deva Om

??Copyright © 2014 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. We encourage you to share these messages with heartfriends throughout the world. With the approval of the messenger and/or the master, some of the spoken words may have been changed, or new words added, to provide greater clarity in the written word. Short excerpts may be quoted as long as full credit is given to the author. Contact us at www.theheartscenter.org. Correspondence and contributions may be sent to P.O. Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA.



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