Featured HeartStreams

El Morya's New Year's Day Message (VIDEO)

El Morya's New Year's Day Message (VIDEO)

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Featured HeartStreams

"Featured HeartStreams" are Ascended Master inspired messages from 2005-present posted in this blog.  You will find landmark teachings, HeartStreams from our Events and featured inspirations from many ascended beings.


The Human Aura Book

Advanced Studies of the Human Aura


book the human aura

David Christopher Lewis

Soft cover, 258 pages; includes 16 beautiful color plates from French-Canadian visionary artist Mario Duguay and practical meditation exercises. 

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Understand the Power of the Aura

This important new book offers a unique understanding of the power of a radiant aura. It shows us that to create an effulgent, rainbow-colored energy field—supercharged with light and spiritual purpose—we must first enter into the space of being where all life is felt and embraced as sacred. We must focus on body, mind and spirit—and on the truth that, at our essence, we are dynamic spiritual beings.

Praise for Advanced Studies of the Human Aura:

dannion brinkley quote

image of dannion brinkley 


jorge delgado quote

jorge delgado image


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