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Last Post 05/16/2012 1:39 PM by  Nicola
Canada's Love Call to Swedish People
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05/16/2012 1:39 PM
    Hey, you Swedes across the pond! It’s time to jump across to Canada. You love Canada! You’ve always desired to visit this magnificent country!

    Finally, at long last, your chance has come to immerse yourself in the nurturing fires of Mother Earth’s heart chakra and Heros and Amora’s love retreat. You will also unlock one of Canada’s greatest secrets when you tour the Manitoba Legislature. Clue: It has something to do with Hermes.

    And when you visit the Royal Canadian Mint, you can bless the billions of coins it manufactures with the outpouring of your love, that beautiful Swedish love we all adore. Imagine being able to bless the currency of over 75 countries before it enters their financial systems!

    We’ll be spreading love to the world. Get on over here! We love ya!

    P.S. My Swedish grandfather loved Canada so much that he married a Canadian gal and stayed. So come prepared for your own life-changing event. It WILL happen, here in Canada!
