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Last Post 05/14/2012 6:11 PM by  Nicola
Is Winnipeg's government building a conduit of MAGICAL POWER?
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05/14/2012 6:11 PM
    Is Winnipeg’s government building a conduit of MAGICAL POWER? Is it an architectural talisman which can transform people into better human beings?

    Hermes is there. Consider, also, what resides in the building: sacred geometry, such as the numerous repetitions of the numbers 5, 8, 13 and 666; the temple harmonics, such as the musical fifth, and how they are magnified standing under the Black Star; and the guardian beasts and carvings for warding off evil. Will they assist you in transforming your spiritual lead (negativity) into spiritual gold (positivity)?

    Bursting with iconography and sacred geometry, the building takes you through an initiatory process of purification. Frank Albo, the leader of our “Hermetic Code Tour” says that the architect is “calling on divine will to work a miracle – to make this building’s users more intelligent and moral, more in the image of God.”

    That’s a convincing reason to personally visit the Manitoba Legislature in Winnipeg.

    Join us for this spine-tingling tour!
