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Last Post 02/22/2010 12:47 PM by  Nicola
New Year's Treat
 4 Replies
Author Messages

01/27/2010 2:46 PM
    Lady Master Leto
    June 7, 2007

    "The very worries and concerns and anxieties that you hold within the emotional body also draws you back to earth, you see. Therefore, if you would be willing, it would also be to your advantage to spend just a few moments of time in stretching or in the simple practice of a few minutes of yoga to release the tensions that have also embedded themselves within your muscles, your joints and your physical form."

    Yoga Musings––New Year's Treat

    It’s a new year and winter is the perfect time to treat yourself to a weekly yoga class. The gentle poses release tensions in the joints, untwist knots in the muscles and align the spine. The word “yoga” means union. Through the union of body and mind (mindful awareness attending to the careful motions of the postures), you will experience increased flexibility, balance and strength. Energy flows unobstructed and the body moves from a feeling of “dis-ease” to a sense of ease and relaxation. So, don’t let the cold winters keep you inactive at home. Step into a yoga class and let yoga warm you up––body, mind and spirit!

    The Yoga Musings forum invites you to share your "yoga moments" on the mat, on the road, on the go, on-again-off-again, and anywhere in-between.
    Dean Baylor

    01/29/2010 10:05 AM
    Nicola, Is there a particular yoga style that you prefer? Or do you have your own program?

    02/01/2010 6:30 PM
    The term “hatha yoga” refers to the physical exercises done in a yoga class. All styles of yoga are based on the hatha yoga postures, and all styles improve one’s flexibility, balance, endurance and strength.
    So which style do you choose? Iyengar? Power Yoga? Gentle Yoga? Hot Yoga? Anusara? Kripalu? Kundalini? There are many choices.
    I prefer a slow-paced, gentle, stretching class which includes breathwork and meditation. However, some people feel they haven’t exercised unless they sweat. It is probably the introduction of yoga classes focusing on an intense workout that finally made yoga a popular exercise choice for North Americans.

    02/05/2010 8:26 PM
    As you suggested Nicola, I took the step and joined a yoga class at the beginning of the year. Each class is different depending upon the poses we engage in -- sometimes encountering challenges. At the end of each class, my experience is always the same -- one of being pleasingly relaxed.

    Doreen Pochirowski

    02/22/2010 12:47 PM
    It is wonderful, Doreen, to learn that you joined a yoga class and that you noticed the relaxing benefits. Relaxation is often the first positive result that participants notice from the practice. Since you are new to yoga, it would be valuable to hear from your perspective what else you gain from it as the classes go on. Yoga is an opportunity to sharpen your awareness.
