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Last Post 09/12/2010 11:11 AM by  Nicola
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09/12/2010 11:11 AM
    In this riveting novel, High Priest, Ptahhotep, tutors the Pharoah's daughter for her supreme initiation in the temple. In the same tale, the reader follows the trials of a 20th century woman as she grows spiritually and eventually recalls her initiation in Egypt which took place long before the time of Moses. This novel is a must-read just for its phenomenal insight on how TO BE God.

    According to the author, Elisabeth Haich, who was a well-known yoga teacher in Europe, this is a true story.

    Here is a passage, from the book, which discusses yoga:

    In studying Yoga systematically, however, we learn techniques for developing and improving our powers of concentration, and these are methods which have been perfected through thousands of years...... These exercises develop the highest abilities of the human being, opening up his spiritual eyes, his spiritual ears, and teaching him to be master of himself... master of creative forces... master of the forces of fate. The pathway to happiness is opened up, or to express it another way, the path to self-realization––to God! The highest and at the same time the most difficult Yoga path is that of Raja Yoga.
