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Last Post 03/08/2010 12:16 PM by  nugget
How to Add Vitality to Your Life
 2 Replies
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03/02/2010 8:54 AM
    When you attend a yoga class, you will notice attention being drawn to the breath. “Inhale. Exhale. On the inbreath, the abdomen expands; on the outbreath, the belly button draws toward the spine.” The instructor encourages conscious breathing to flow with the execution of the postures. But never mind if it first seems confusing, the important thing is to breathe with awareness. Controlled breath increases oxygen consumption, relaxes the body and calms the mind. James Hewitt, author of The Complete Yoga Book states: “Some writers put forward the theory that as master Yogins breathe more slowly (though more efficiently) than the average citizen, therefore they live longer.....This is difficult to prove - but it can safely be said that Yogic breathing adds life to one’s years, whether or not it adds years to one’s life.”
    David C Lewis

    03/03/2010 12:56 PM
    Many animals are great yogis and yoginis! Watch cats as they stretch upon awakening. Recently I observed a very sensitive and Buddhic dog doing solar gazing! Breathing consciously, slowly and with joy is lots of fun!

    03/08/2010 12:16 PM
    She lived to be 122 years. You have perhaps heard of Jeanne Calment who resided in France, lived an active life, began fencing at 85 years, was still bicycling at 100 years, lived by herself until 110 years, acted in two films at ages 114 and 120 years. She smoked until 117 years, drank red wine and ate chocolate regularly and had all of her faculties during her long life. I wonder what would have been different for Jeanne if yoga had also been part of her lifestyle.
