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Last Post 12/08/2011 5:45 PM by  Ronald and Dwinn
Weekly Question 2: Giving Your Power Away to Clairvoyants, Mediums or Psychics?
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Sun Disc

11/19/2011 5:08 PM




    11/20/2011 10:22 PM
    I have seen three types of people in this category:
    a) the clairvoyants Omraam speaks of, usually at psychic fairs and amusement parks --- totally worthless, never convincingly touching my heart or core with something profound or even useful.
    b) some medical intutives --- of some help and yet, I seldom followed up on their insights. Why? They probably came across as a "guesser" rather than a divinely inspired person who can cut to the chase. Nevertheless, one in Sedona was useful, touching and quite spiritual...
    c) a few Life Intutives --- I have seen a few, one of them, Suxanne in the L.A. area, being right-on 75% of the time. She gave me some things to think on. Perhaps I gave up some of my own power of insight , but not completely. She always encouraged me to check whatever she said with my own intutiion and with what happens in the real world when I followed her guidance. . Overall, I think the consultation was very helpful and not self-defeating. I think she was really tapping into MY intution about what was right.
    I suspect my old Nono-violent Communications teacher, Kelly Bryson, of "channeling" insights from above, at least at times. What he said to people in our class was "too right on" to have been an intellectual best guess. And it was Helpful, NOT HURTFUL. I suspect this was due to his also using his intution about whether to share or not any insight that came to him.
    I am making the case for intuition, when used wisely by a healthy individual, being useful and even invaluable at times.
    Joel Shakur Roizenfelid

    11/21/2011 10:21 AM
    It has taken me a long time to untangle myself from psychics. I have learned that whatever they claim to 'see'
    has been entrenched in the Astral plane and never in the Celestial. They never have the whole picture. However, the energy that they can take from you should be recognized so that one may draw protection around onesself. Yes, I have allowed this in the past and then called to a Master to protect me. Lessons hard learned.

    El Morya personally has warned us and I disregarded this advice for quite sometime. I suspect that I had some past life involvement. I have heard of genuine medical intuitives, however never had their services. I have been working on my own insight and it is more reliable.
    constance welzel

    11/21/2011 5:17 PM
    Does "giving power away" mean that you trust someone else's advice or instruction over your own intuition or knowledge?

    I'm not attracted to psychics. I had readings done twice and wasn't impressed either time.

    I also had a medical intuitive reading. I think it was OK. I liked that she recommended eating lots of vegetables (5 cups a day!). I know my body better than she does. She was off in more than a few areas.

    I'd like to find a great spiritual intuitive who could help me with my some knotty areas regarding my health. I don't desire to "give my power away" and follow someone blindly yet I'd like to take the advice and see and feel how it matches with my own intuition and knowledge and do what I think is best.

    11/25/2011 1:40 PM

    I have never gone to see a psychic or a medium personally. I did see one however; at a company party once, and her predictions were uncanny. What I have done however; is consulted with astrologers. I am not sure if this would be regarded in the same vein as clairvoyants?

    I have come to the conclusion that whenever I consult anyone without first consulting my I AM PRESENCE; I am probably giving my power away to someone!?
    I am realizing that patience and faith in the "Presence of GOD" within, is the requirement of the hour. In this quest for Adeptship, much more internal communion is necessary and preferred probably by the soul. I believe the soul will become more in one-ment with the oversoul if she is allowed to rely more on the faculties that have been innately provided.

    Our typical endoctrinations tend to teach us to consult "experts" as opposed to seeking out and communing with internal resources first. The newest revelation for me is that we each have at our disposal, the Library of Alexandria, the inner knowledge and wisdom of the ages. Of course there will be times when consulting experts is the requirement of the hour, however; there will be other times when going within would be our greatest opportunity for enlightenment.

    It takes courage to trust yourself and determine that the God within us all, has ever answer to every dilemma that we face. I am actively seeking this inner light for guidance and direction, at a time in my life when I really have no other place to go, and for this I am truly grateful.
    Britt-Marie P

    11/26/2011 2:03 AM
    I have never taken a session with psychics or mediums or clairvoyants, even if many of my friends have. I have always felt I do not want them to come into my aura or read my life or direct me. I have had very strong feelings against any of these all my life, as if I was guided from my higher self or intuition, although it has NOT always protected me from being attacked by them!!

    Psychics, mediums and clairvoyants are very common in my hometown. They have many courses, meetings and sessions and you cannot go to fairs, take any health courses or listen to almost any usual lectures or go to town without meeting practicioners.
    For many years I avoided talking to them, and it made me afraid of being involved with them. All that you are afraid of you magnetize to you, so it was not a good strategy. I thought if I always was one with God I was protected, but it was not so easy to be. Now I feel I must have extra protection always, for I never know when I meet them.

    Sometimes I have felt attacked from some of them, even if I do not speak to them, I can feel they are in my aura or in my body, even if they say that they are not going into persons without their admission. It is very uncomfortable, and I must use Astrea and swords to get rid of it.

    Once I got zigzag bands in my eyes and I thought it was something wrong with my eyes and it disappears after intense decrees. Some time after I met a friend and she said, now she was educated to be a medium and only some minutes after I got these zigzac bands in my eyes again, and I assumed it came from her, so I went home and did Astreas until it disappeared. I have got these zigzag bands more times too, sometimes only in one eye, sometimes in different shapes.

    It happens often after I have sent out mail to people about my lectures about the masters teachings, so now I am sure it is some psychic influence upon me and I have not had enough protection. K17, Astreas and even Reverse the tide I sometimes must use to release it.

    Because I choose not to be involved with psycics, mediumship or clairvoyance, I have difficulties to develop claire seeing as Omraams book and this course is all about. I see forward to learn more of this higher claire seeing and get rid of my fears. Thanks!

    11/26/2011 7:52 PM
    The first time I consulted a psychic was around the same time I found the teachings. The psychic claimed that his spirit guide was St. Luke, the gospel writer, and that he warned me to stay away from the teachings. I ignored his "advice" and later found out that Mark Prophet once said that a person who betrayed him was the reembodiment of St. Luke.

    Later, I consulted two clairvoyants who were in the teachings, one in 1998 and another in 2010. Both told me about an embodiment I had and my relationship with one of the masters at the time. But they couldn't tell me who I was. Using my intuition and researching the period, I discovered who I was and also who my father was, and gained insight into my relationship with my father by reading the biographies of those two men.

    This insight was different from an insight I gained in 1989 when I meditated on a difficult aspect in my astrology chart and had a vision of an early embodiment I had with my father. This one was more emotional as I relived a traumatic experience and understood at a gut level. The insight from the clairvoyants was more at an intellectual level.

    In conclusions, clairvoyants, especially those in the teachings, can be helpful for confirmation, but no inner sight from clairvoyants can be as powerful as the inner sight gained through meditation.
    Lisa Delaney

    11/26/2011 8:02 PM
    While I haven’t had any direct contact with psychics, my husband investigated a few Spiritual Churches in his youth and has told me about séances and spiritual revivals that he attended where individuals told him his future etc.
    From these stories I can certainly imagine how easy it would be to become intimidated by someone with Clairvoyant power. A feeling that this individual is all knowing and probably has the answers to everything could easily result in the giving away of one’s right of choice.
    Beyond being reliant on a medium for advice, I can see how this sort of thing could contribute to a “psychic” view of life. To me this means that someone/something outside of you holds the answer resulting on a superstitious reliance on exterior “signs” to show the way. The antidote of course is to listen within and pass all external input though one’s heart. Last week the Master offered an important key that purity of motive is a good litmus test to discern the highest inner direction.
    autumn beauchamp

    11/26/2011 9:52 PM
    I have had individuals in the past volunteer certain information or predictions about my life and about myelf (I also went to a couple of psychics in my early twenties) that I allowed in a certain sense to control me by obssesing about what was said or trying to figure it out especially during times of vulnerability or uncertainty. I normally shy away from psychics and/or mediums ect. Maybe in some way it served a purpose to hear these things and mostly it left me perplexed and yes, by giving it attention I gave my power away. I learned that it's probably best to focus on the here and now and focus on My I AM Presense and love and peace and focus and to stay grounded and balanced in mind and Spirit and body. thankyou autumn

    11/26/2011 10:18 PM
    I have not gone to see psychics so I really cannot comment on the question as stated. I have however solicited the opinion of individuals whom I considered more spiritually advanced while suppressing my own intuition and "gut" feeling. My own intuition eventually proved to be more accurate. In the long run I have learned to trust my own attunement and intuition and to regard the input of others as suggestions or recommendations.
    I think the same thing applies to methods of Divination like the I Ching. There is a lot of profound wisdom in those books, but the answer one gets by throwing the coins and studying the hexagrams are not likely to be any more illumined than the level of consciousness attained by the one asking the question. The direct contact is therefore more superior and precise when cultivated.
    Jenny Persson

    11/27/2011 3:19 AM
    Some time ago, when I had worked a lot on healing myself by using my intuition, I felt that it wasn´t working that well anymore, and there where so many things I wanted to heal, so I decided to get a consultation from a professional to heal faster. When I got there he spent almost the whole time trying to help me get my intuition working again and we ended up just solving a few issues. That was not why I wanted his help! I wanted to heal! I was so angry and frustrated when I left, that I had spent so much money on what, at that time, felt like almost nothing! After that I thought to myself that I will never ever give my power away to someone else again; that I will always trust my inner voice above someone else´s.

    Looking back at this incident now, I should have been grateful for what I got, because he really wanted me to use my own intuition, which, in the end, was the lesson I learned…

    11/27/2011 9:38 AM
    I have not been drawn to seek information through psychics, however there have been a few times in my life when I have consulted with those who were spiritually oriented and I believe had gifts of the Holy Spirit, who were helpful to me in times of crisis or turning points in my life. They didn't give me advice, but helped to clarify choices and possible results of these choices, and helped me focus on spiritual ramifications rather than the short-term benefits I was seeing on the human level during times of stress. I am reminded that Mother believed in consulting experts in certain fields to help in her presentations.

    It's a matter of discernment, I think, in knowing when this is beneficial and when we should rely strictly on our own inner resources. I am practicing more development of my communication with my own higher Self lately and find that using this for even little things in daily life is a good way to practice and I get answers much more quickly even in finding things than if I rely just on my intellect and memory. I've had a sense of how much easier it would have been to do this all along! Patricia Carlson

    11/27/2011 9:45 AM
    I discovered a psychic group early on my path and attended a few weekends with friends. Then I discovered Church Universal and Triumphant and saw Mother at Berkeley on November 15, 1978. Soon after that I was having lunch with the psychic and told him I was going to attend Summit University and then come back and continue with him. He simply smiled and said I would not be back. He was aware that I had found my path.
    Ronald and Dwinn

    12/01/2011 4:26 PM
    Back in the 1970’s I went one time to a psychic before being on my spiritual path. She was a woman who prayed and received visions. I felt comfortable with her. Decades later I received a reading from an intuitive. In the three readings I received, three different interpretations came up on the same issue which I interpreted as unclear readings. About three years ago I had a reading from a soul who is recognized as being a clear, pure, prayerful intuitive which I immediately resonated with all that I heard.
    I have not felt an impulse to receive another reading since that time, not to say I never will, yet my intuition has led me to believe it is truly to purify and seek within and follow the ascended master teachings for the highest most permanent development of my soul.
    Dwinn Dubrawsky

    12/01/2011 8:09 PM
    This really is not about giving away your power, it is about an experience that I am having when giving Cyclopea's Meditation Class 1. As soon as I would start this meditation I felt a strong heart connection with Cyclopea, and became aware of the crystal emerald as an intelligent being. I felt a steady flow of love between myself and that great center of intelligence. Soon I felt my third-eye turning and spinning and pulsing, which immediately caused my solar plexus to become activated and to start pulsing in unison with the third-eye. This action continued with the two of them immersed as one and continually picking up speed, which was a strong rhythmic and throbbing action. Then at that time my whole body was filled with wondrous light, and the energy felt so wonderful. This action continued for some time, and then the meditation finished. And this very same action now happens every time I do this meditation. And I would dearly love to hear Cyclopea's comments on this experience I am having. Caroline
    Ronald and Dwinn

    12/08/2011 5:45 PM
    I can’t say that I have given my power away, which I attribute to my placing understanding primary in my life. Since understanding is, in one sense, not believing or disbelieving, it has made me responsible for my own choices in life…not relying on others for answers.
    Ronald Dubrawsky
