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Last Post 02/21/2012 8:29 PM by  johnt
Weekly Question #1: Intuition and the Spiritual Path
 16 Replies
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Sun Disc

11/10/2011 6:57 PM


    11/13/2011 12:53 PM
    I have begun to further develop my intuition by contemplating the prayer focus' the Masters have given us. Our Hercules labor of purifying our waters has led me to contemplate my emotional body and the emotional bodies of all souls who serve here in our Detroit area, and the vast bodies of water that surround our state, and that Detroit is the Solar Plexus chakra, which corresponds to the 6th ray, the 6 0'clock line of God Harmony, the Mother Ray in the emotional quadrant. All water, water, water.

    Focusing my attention on the Buddha of the Aqua-Teal Ray this mantra came to me:


    11/13/2011 5:34 PM
    I have developed my intuition through contemplation. I would look at something in nature or a thought from all angles, examining every facet and finding parallels and analogies that I would develop into inspired writing. This has assisted me tremendously on the path as I find spiritual lessons and truths that encourage me and help me see things clearly in the right light. I like to share my discoveries with others on the path through my writing. I have developed a trust in my intuition when it comes to the written word. However, I desire to expand that trust to the spoken word, which is less polished than the written word but more spontaneous and from the heart, and therefore, more powerful.


    11/15/2011 1:55 PM

    I am developing my intuition on my Spiritual Path through and via listening. My life has always been very fast paced, so I really did not truly listen. I would catch a portion of what was being said and immediately start preparing to respond.

    Listening has become a process and it continues daily, moment by moment. I learned the hard way about not really paying attention and truly listening and not only via the ears, also through the heart.

    I made a comittment to listen to everyone who was speaking to me outwardly and then made the same decision in regard to the voices within.

    The voices within are even more subtle, so it requires a great deal of dedication to listen and then work on the process of discernment. It has been said, listen to the first still voice that you hear within. In my life that was the voice I should have listened to! I have realized that listening is not an sedate sport. It is very active in a mode of stillness. I also discovered the more I ignored the still voice within, the more it receded. I asked God for forgiveness and beseeched it to return. Through mercy and grace it is returning and I believe this voice is the voice of Intuition. I revere this voice and I am learning to discern it from other voices. Glory be to God, for his grace and mercy and his tolerance for our ignorance.

    11/15/2011 10:14 PM
    Intuition for me is based on feeling. Not outwardly expressed emotional responses to people and situations. It is a feeling akin to an electric tremor. This has been growing and improving for a long time. Mother once gave us some information to work on. She said 'You can forgive someone by asking your I Am presence to talk to the I AM Presence of who ever you want to forgive without speaking directly to them'. This set off a new thought process for me and I started having inner conversations with my I Am Presence. I didn't expect any reply and was surprised when I asked questions and started getting these tremors. I changed my questioning approach to make sure I was understanding the answers and that it was not my ego answering.

    I learned that I got Confirmations only, to my cognatitions. We all get confirmations I think on actions or non-actions. When it is a 'no go' I feel nothing, no response(which in itself is a response). I work with this more and more and I have labled it Intuition.
    I use it in my spiritual work. It is an important part of my Spiritual Path.
    constance welzel
    Alice T Rogers

    11/16/2011 8:39 PM
    For me also, intuition usually surfaces as feeling. Sometimes, as Constance says, it is a lack of feeling, sometimes, it is a knowing. We just "know" what is or what is not. I have learned to listen, to feel, to test and to act carefully. Sometimes I feel I should not be too deliberate, although it is hard to act against a feeling. Anyway, I rely on this wonderful sense more and more and am always grateful when it is very clear.

    Someone said to me once--you cannot "know" this thing that I said I knew. However, we know that we can know, as it is God in us who does the knowing!
    Jenny Persson

    11/19/2011 1:19 PM
    I started developing my intuition by listening more to the subtle voice within; that told me to act a certain way in a situation or gave me the answer to a question. By obeying this inner voice I got confirmation that what I heard was right, and this increased my belief in it and it grew stronger and became clearer the more I practiced.

    I have also written down questions, that I really desire guidance in, on a paper with my right hand and then moved the pen to my left hand and let that hand be guided by my higher self and write the answer.

    About two years ago I took a course in something called “Soulbalance method”, which is a way to heal yourself with your intuition. This experience changed my life forever and I finally experienced that I could talk to God (or my higher self) directly and have a real conversation. From this moment I understood that God is the way and God is the goal. It was also by listening to my intuition that I went to my first conference with The Hearts Center, even though my Mom had been asking me for years, and that has certainly changed the direction of my life and made a huge difference on my spiritual path!
    Dorothy Rieven

    11/19/2011 5:11 PM
    I am learning to develope my intuition through feeling. A quick, quick right answer may come or I may require a different approach to get my answer. More discernment. I am so greatful for the progress that I am making.
    autumn beauchamp

    11/19/2011 11:08 PM
    Attunement to my Higher self and the Light on a daily basis presence and feeling along with stillness and certain disciplines all help me to develop my intuition and the masters presence, also sensation with-in my being and hearing. When I listen and follow my intuition rightly then I can use it on my spiritual path to benefit others, for example to pray for someone if I sense or intuit that they may require extra protection, healing, a spiritual boost, etc. and I can call to the masters and to the Angel's for assistance. Also I can tend to the requirements or intuited desires of others if I sense that they would have a preference or need in a situation. Sometimes it comes in a flicker or flash and sometimes a gentle tone. thankyou autumn
    Britt-Marie P

    11/20/2011 2:23 AM
    When I first contemplated what I do to increase my intuition I thought of that I have studied spiritual books and teachings for more than 25 years, taken many courses, listen to dictations, Meru University, meditated, be still, done yoga, Qi Gong and more, but not really have had focus on developing my intuition, and now I realized it may have gradually developed itself.

    As a teacher I prepared my lessons very well. When I delivered them I did not follow my preparations but went with an interactive flow, which almost never covered all my intentions and was better!! That must be that I followed my intuition.

    I also realize now, when I think too much or consciously try to use my intuition, my ego does not trust it, so I must rely on it naturally and not question it, relax and go with the flow.

    Always when I read books or listen to heartstreams, I have to underscore or write down many keys in order to give them away to people I meet and of course to uplift myself. And I always get a strong feeling to spread the teachings to my studygroup or on internet, or translating it, or writing it in new books. I often listen to my intuition, although I do not always act on it!! And many times I forget my great intentions or postpone them to a later future!! So I have to make an actionplan of what to begin with, and also act on and listen to those small everyday intuitions. Thats my new goal.
    Lisa Delaney

    11/20/2011 8:04 AM
    I feel that art has developed my sense of intuition. For many years, when the weather was right, I took my oil paints to beautiful places. Being entirely captured by the snow- capped mountains, the glistening river or brightly color flowers before me, I would experience the scene at the highest possible level with my five senses. As part of that understanding I also listened within. Bathing in this special moment, I strived to reproduce on canvas what I say by being very quiet and following the advice of my inner teacher. With practice, a habit of listening can be developed and that still connection to one's intuitive faculties can be available to augment the sensory perceptions on an everyday basis.
    Recently, the Master Omraam suggested that everyone take crayons and create like little children. It occurred to me that a great way to implement this is to buy some a colorful flowered bouquet or take a favorite house plant and draw it on paper. The colors and aromas of the interactions with the elementals always inspired me, so I think that the master has suggested an exercise which could be beneficial on many levels.

    11/20/2011 8:28 AM
    I have developed my intuition by focusing on the divine, on listening, and on loving. Mother used to say our decrees were our meditation, and I found that to be true. I also found that meditating for even 15 minutes in the morning made a big difference in my day, especially in noticeable synchronicities happening in my work and life. My intuition manifests often in being in the right place at the right time (like when I ran into the couple in a music store in Livingston where I rarely went, who were hosting a "sharing spiritual experiences" group that evening and invited me, and David was there sharing his experience of receiving dictations). One time I asked Becky Brainard why I didn't get guidance in specific words like some do. She asked if I get thoughts and feelings about things that turn out to be inspired, and I said yes, and she said that's how my guidance comes. Patricia C.
    Ronald and Dwinn

    11/20/2011 8:47 AM
    In following my intuition it opens the door for further development. The main key for me has been to be in stillness, free of mental clutter.

    This stillness has brought the freedom to be more actively involved in service and the desire for more service and more clearing; to be open to going in directions I may not have intended, yet joyously gratefully accept.

    My God desire for intuition has prompted me deeply into the joy of study, meditation, Ho'oponopono, prayer and sungazing, bringing me into a more quiet, receptive state for receiving intuition.

    Dwinn Dubrawsky

    11/20/2011 12:16 PM
    In these ways I have heightened my natural intuitive sensitivity:
    a. By feeling the essence of living, inviting, nourishing trees and by asking them questions, awaiting their answers
    b. By doing Reiki and Matrix Energetics (healing energy techniques) with others, where one is required to rely on their intution to know where to place their hands and what to image
    c. By doing playful, fun expressive art projects, using colored pencils
    d. By going into the Stillness during meditation and Qigong
    e. By asking myself questions, such as "What would God say?", What would St. Germain say?", What would Ramana Maharshi say?".
    f. By sitting still for awhile and asking the Light a question (taken from the Quaker Six-Step "Ask the Light" meditation).
    g. By going into the Zero space that H'oponopono and Divine Openings emphasize.

    11/21/2011 5:03 PM
    I recently found that sun gazing has enhanced my intuition. Right after sungazing I pause and open myself and I find an answer or teaching come to my mind that is very helpful to me.

    The most powerful sungazing/intuition experiences that I have had have been during power walking. Last summer I power walked for about an hour around sunrise. As I walked I sang decrees and appreciated nature around me. I saturated myself with joy then paused for sungazing. I think that I "set the stage" to prepare myself for my daily dose of "intuition" by filling myself with oxygen, songs, prayers, sunlight, the beauty of nature and gratitude.

    It makes me feel happy that God sends us answers and teachings by engaging in nature. I am so glad that we are learning about the Sun!!!
    Ronald and Dwinn

    12/08/2011 5:42 PM
    For the past few years I have noticed that my intuition has improved in my daily life with my wife, Dwinn, in the sense that I am often prompted to speak something that later turns out to be important in a way that at the time I was unaware, but only fully realized later. I attribute this quality to developing a continual sense of love and gratitude to life and to stay in the flow of life in the moment. In addition to that, I believe that my meditations energize my mind, giving me a sense of expansiveness.
    Ronald Dubrawsky

    02/21/2012 8:29 PM
    First, I noticed how few men have responded to the question of developing
    intuition. This is a fairly new idea, as men go "mental" in responding
    to others, hence many problems result, because the human mind is a poor
    vessel for "seeing" the layers beneath a situation. I never liked this
    aspect of responding through mentally discerning a situation, precisely
    because there is so much inaccuracy,and problems are exacerbated,
    leading to more arguments, ill feelings, mistrust, etc.

    I very early on didn't like getting involved with situations because
    to me others, fellow kids for instance, were so quick to judge and caused
    needless pain. When I noticed others were cruelly taunted, teased, with
    all manner of vocal demeaning, I was appalled at the density of such
    poor behavior and felt intense sorrow for the victim. My own severe
    shyness hindered saying anything, and not until very late in life did I
    realize how that interfered with my socializations.

    Presently, it seems on hindsight that I developed an empathic intuition
    through a keen sense feeling what a situation entailed, and often my
    feminine side is/was overly sensitive to others pains. I don't feel
    others pain physically, but painful situations where others are emotionally downcast erupt in me very rapid emotional responses, and
    I have to work at controlling that so I don't get caught up in downward
    spiral, which is hard to extricate from.

    The best way I can see myself in a meaningful action, is through prayer
    work as I see the need arise, or making quick calls for a situation to
    be resolved according to highest outcome for all concerned. Awakening
    at around 4 am usually indicates someone needs help, I often make quick
    calls for someone to be removed from some danger, or for the situation
    to be neutralized, whatever is the most practical.

    For some months, I have had very vivid dreams, some humorous, some
    a bit puzzling, but no less involving, and I seem to recall more and
    more of them later to ponder on. They are plenty entertaining, and I
    am very respectful of the huge amount of detail that these dream/
    scenarios entail, far more than I could ever imagine in my daytime
    awareness. Must be an evolving process of becoming more intuitive.
