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Last Post 12/08/2011 9:08 PM by  constance
Weekly Question #3 Premonitions
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11/27/2011 10:14 AM


    Webster's defines a premonition as a "previous notice or warning" (forewarning), or the "anticipation of an event without conscious reason" (presentiment).
    Carol Wells

    11/27/2011 12:06 PM
    A Second Opinion—Cyclopea’s

    In 1994, I was preparing to attend a Summit University summer session, a time of immersion in spiritual learning and fellowship with the ascended masters and his students. Requiring a physical examination to complete my application, I found a medical doctor who advertised herself as being both allopathic and holistic. However, I noticed her sense of hurry and non-desire to spend some time asking questions about my recent health situation. My blood work results caused her great concern and she suggested that I should undergo a spinal tap procedure.

    Her advice left me cold. And I sensed that had I pursued them, it would have precluded my plans to attend Summit University.
    On the same day, I had another doctor’s appointment—this time with an iridologist and herbalist. As I drove from one doctor’s office to the other’s, an hour’s drive, I called to Cyclopea all the way . Was I being irresponsible in not following the first doctor’s recommendation? Was my feeling of dread a premonition or a denial of a serious situation? As I prayed and drove, I felt calmer and calmer. By the time I reached Dr. Jenkin’s office, I was….mellow.

    I told Dr. Jenkins about the other doctor’s analysis as he looked at the same blood test results. He assured me that she had not interpreted the results correctly. He knew my recent health history and what the current blood test showed was that my body was recovering as it should. As we parted company, he smiled at me and said, “Carol, your aura is out to here,” his arms spread out as wide as they could go. “Attend your summer course and have a great time.” And I did.


    11/28/2011 9:39 PM
    My only major premonition that I acted upon: When I originally bought my home in Huntington Beach, California, in 1979, I had a premonition that someday this whole area would be wiped out by a tsunami and that I would, fortunately, be sufficiently warned as the time approached. This premonition came to me about four times, and very strongly so. Nevertheless, I lived there for thirty years, finally moving out in 2010, out of the whole state, when I sensed the time might be nearing. Perhaps all of the New Age media's dire predictions of calamity in 2012 added force to my premonition. I am glad I moved. Time will tell if my premonition was correct.

    Why did I act upon my premonition: First, the strength of the original intuition and having it linger in the background of my mind ever since I had them. Second, I was doing alot of stillness meditations during those years, those where I invite Higher insights; these must have helped me see and FEEL the requirement to move out of California.

    There have been quite a few minor but accurate premonitions to which I, unfortunately, paid no heed. Here are just two of them:

    a) before I married my second wife, I inwardly knew that a marriage with her would be a disaster;

    b) just before I attended a very magnetic guru's speech, I inwardly knew that I would never follow him or his teachings after the talk -- I was right.

    Although I cannot share how courageously I listened to my premonitions in the past, I can share that I now see the absolute requirement to listen, to trust their authenticity.


    11/30/2011 12:38 PM

    I am not sure if what I am about to convey would be construed as a Premonition. Many times throughout my life I have been warned and I am sorry to say, in most cases these warnings were not heeded. I believe my guardian angel has attempted on numerous occasions to spare me pain and dissapointment. Whatever my reasons, the disobedience was rampant. This particular event was no different from the rest, I did not obey the direction, for whatever reason; I was still spared by the grace of God and I believe most specifically by Archangel Michael.

    I was driving home one day from work.(about 20yrs. ago). I had come to a 4 way stop intersection. I had stopped and it was my turn to go. A car was coming from my left, who of course had a stop sign and was suppose to stop. A voice told me, he is not going to stop! I overrode this warning with yes he has too! I proceeded to go, and he did not stop, he or she did not decrease their speed. By the time it dawned upon me what was happening I could not stop, to this day I can not say exactly what happened, however; this is what I remember. The other car literally went through my car, it was like my car dematerialized! Time stopped! The driver of the other car never stopped, I don't really know what they saw or if they realized what had taken place! I have tried every since to pay heed, however; I still mess up many times. I am trying with all that I AM to be obedient to these promptings. I believe you cannot take these warning for granted, what a blessing God continues to bestow on us, in spite of our disobedience. By the grace of Godfrey, the Great God Obedience, and the Blessed Maha Chohan I will be blessed with discernment and Godly Obedience.
    Ronald and Dwinn

    12/01/2011 5:53 PM
    I haven't actually had a premonition. I entered the teachings in 1979 and I had a deep feeling I would attend SU when Saint Germain would sponsor a quarter. It was not planned, yet I had the freedom and the supply in the Spring of 1984 to attend SU exactly when Saint Germain was sponsoring SU. Each week I had permission to have my children with me during the three months of weekends so they could have the community experience. It was a triple blessing.

    This is closer to a premonition: 13 years ago I was advised about having chemotherapy from an MD. By Gods grace I chose not to, knowing it was not required.
    Dwinn Dubrawsky

    12/03/2011 7:47 AM
    Back in 1975 I had a sort of premonition experience. I was walking down the street with friends. It was a beautiful sun-shiny day in California. We had just come out of a movie theater. Suddenly I felt a deep concern for my mother. I felt that she needed my help. It was very a clear kind of knowing.
    Later, when I was able to call home to Ohio, my sister answered the phone. And, without any prompting from me, my sister told me that she was concerned about our mother. She thought maybe our mother was on the verge of some kind of emotional breakdown.
    So I came home pretty quickly. It was easy to see that Mom was feeling stressed and vulnerable. I was able to pick up through osmosis on the issues that were burdening her. That on its own was actually a profound experience, although I didn't think about it at the time. It would have been good for my soul's evolution, if I had tried to specifically address those issues in some way. But, I lacked the selflessness and spiritual clarity required.
    My mother did get better somehow. I think that possibly she was buoyed up by my youthful exuberance and companionship. Anyway her spirits improved. And within a couple of weeks, I had completely forgotten why I was there.
    I think that I was able to receive the initial prompting, because this was my mother with all the special relationship that implies. And I had been praying for each one in my family. I think that if you consistently pray for someone, it opens the channels to receive this kind of prompting and more.
    Also, I think that the angels were involved in giving me a heads-up probably on many levels. I think they made sure that my sister answered the phone. And my sister is the only one who would have been able to share such a clear observation about our mom.

    12/04/2011 6:33 AM
    When my daughter Hespera was a 2 or 3 days old, she was sleeping in her crib in our bedroom. I was woken up out of a sound sleep with the thought "Check Hespera." I tried to go back to sleep as I was very tired, but the thought kept bugging me. Finally, I got up and walked over to the crib. Hespera's face was blue because she was not breathing. I don't know how I knew what to do, but I stuck my little finger in her mouth and removed a plug of mucous allowing her to breath. My wife and I and my in-laws were all able to breathe easier after that.

    I think my heart tie with my daughter and with her higher self and my own higher self allowed me to receive this warning and also the innate knowledge of what to do. Also, I didn't question it or ignored it for long, but obeyed the prompt to get up and the direction to use my little finger.

    Alice T Rogers

    12/04/2011 8:59 AM
    When my boys were very little, (Anthony was in a crib), I had a very vivid dream that I was with a group of people and one of the people in the group was behaving very strangely. I woke up and was doing Astreas, however, not very effectively, when all of sudden I realized that this person could harm the little ones who were asleep in the next room, and it jolted me into doing strong fiats to Astrea to bind this person. Nothing had happened until I really gave these fiats my all and I could actually see that with each fiat, an angel came and put coils of rope around this female being and ultimately, she was fully bound and they carried her away. Never doubt the effectiveness of Astrea to take care of things!! It was a great lesson to me and I was grateful for the warning. It was the vulnerability of the children that woke me up!

    12/04/2011 9:02 AM
    When I was at a summer camp in Wyoming at age 14, I joined two older girls (one a counselor there) in separating from the group during an all day horseback ride. We spent the night on the mountain and our horses got away. As we headed home on foot on the mountain trail the other two girls decided to climb down to Jenny Lake at a place called "death canyon" instead of staying on the trail. A sense of fear came over me which I believe was a premonition. I followed them because I didn't want to stay on the long trail alone. Both of them had minor injuries from a rock I inadvertently loosened, and later we came to a rock ledge where it seemed we couldn't go up or down. I prayed, and we were led to take off our boots and climb barefoot down the rock. We made it to the bottom by nightfall and had to spend another cold night, this time without a fire. The camp director and his crew had looked for us on the trail the whole day, and found us in the morning.

    In 1968, two weeks before I got my master's degree at the U. of Chgo I felt a great heaviness for three days before our Memorial Day picnic on the Midway. This was my premonition. I was almost too tired to go, and my oldest didn't
    want to go, however I was determined to take my three young children and attend. After lunch I took my daughter home for a nap and left my 8 and 9 year old sons with other adults at the picnic. I'd only been home 10 minutes when my older son ran in and said his brother had been hit by a car while crossing the street. There was negligence in the emergency room (long story) and he didn't survive. Later I learned from two different sources that it was his time to go and I was not supposed to be there to prevent it.

    Last night I had a dream where I was hiking with my two boys who were young in the dream. The older one went to the edge of a cliff ahead and to the left side of us and fell off. I looked over the edge and saw he had landed on his back and was still alive. I told him not to move. By the time we got to him he was up and walking around and did not appear to be hurt. This seemed miraculous as it was a long fall. I am out of touch with this son who is going through a very challenging time, and I am hoping this is a premonition that he is or will be O.K. Patricia Carlson
    Britt-Marie P

    12/04/2011 9:02 AM
    My greatest premonition was when I was going to sterilize me, because I already had 3 children and thought it was enough, when I got pregnant and the doctors advised me then to do an abortion, because I did not want any more children. If I regret it, I could be pregnant another time they said, but then I could not look at small children, mothers with prams, pregnant women, so I decided not to do the abortion and I am so greatful that I listened to my feelings.

    It is not enough with that. When she was born, they said that I could stay longer at the hospital to do the sterilizing, but then I got such a strong feeling, that I would die, if I did it and then not be there for my new so cherished babygirl and my other children, so I went home instead. The doctor then gave me a new appointment for the sterilization, 3 months later, because he said that one is also so sensitive directly after the delivery.

    When I then once again came to the hospital for sterilization tne nurses prepaired me and said that they had to get me curare, an arrow poison, to stop my reflexes and heart!! and they will hold me alive with a machine. Wow!! the sense of death once more came to my mind and I thought I could not go home a third time, so I stayed and the nurse said I could change my mind until I laid on the operation table. Then I sat in the waiting room and looked in a daily paper where I suddenly saw a very small advertisement "Mother of four died during a sterilization." I was shocked, and the next morning I went home for the third time. I was not meant to be sterilized either. No one else had seen that advertisment, so I now think it was the Master's work.

    All these things happened before I had come in contact with the Master's teachings and I then understood that both abortion and sterilization was not to obey God. And I am so grateful that I managed to ovecome my worst karma testings, I hope.

    And I am praying for forgiveness for all my past karmas that led to these tests and love to my dearest daughter for all she had to go through.

    I love you.

    12/04/2011 9:22 AM
    Several years ago, my Presence was trying to direct me to the Hearts Center Community. I had listened to a broadcast in which Saint Germain was giving a wonderful heartstream. I decided to record this heartstream and share it with other people who were restless and searching. Then, because of other pressures from a previous group, NOT to be involved with the Hearts Center, I put the recording away. However, I became so unhappy and uneasy that one day I called on Saint Germain and my Presence and asked for direction. I volunteered to play this recording if this was the right thing to do. I immediately felt this wonderful warm protection and peace and a sense of RELIEF. So I took the recording to my friends and played it. This was the beginning of our Dallas Hearts Center. And yes, the other folks reprimanded me and I lost some old friends BUT I had peace and direction and knew I was walking in the will of God and fulfilling the plan of my Presence for my life. I have never looked back

    12/04/2011 9:25 AM
    One evening about 25 years ago while living in New York, as I approached the subway a strong feeling of foreboding came over me. I raised my antenna and turned on my radar and quickly surveyed the area around me to determined if I were being followed and if a change in my route to get home was necessary. The coast seemed clear and as I had heard the train approaching the station I began to run down the stairs in order not to miss it. I was soon stopped in my tracks by a loud firm warning from within (seemed as if from without), "Don't go down there, use the other entrance'. By then I could hear the train stopping and the doors opening, however, I stopped immediately, turned around and went back up to the street and headed for the next entrance about 2 blocks away. As I raced to get there I could hear the train doors closing and the train rolling away. 'There will be another one', I thought. I had temporarily forgotten about the uneasiness I felt earlier. I had not given any thought as to why I had been directed to make the change. My mind stayed in the clouds where it had been before.

    Upon arriving down below on the other side, I met some people who were seized with consternation, their faces ashen with shock. They could hardly speak. A lady told me that someone had been shot and robbed below the stairs inside the station at the other entrance just moments before I arrived where they were. I believe she said killed. The police were on the way. Someone must have entered after I had turned away from that entrance. It was then that I realized what had occurred. I was so humbly grateful for God's Ever Present, Constant Loving Protecting Presence with me. I became numb with Gratitude. Even though my personal experiences had revealed over and over the preciseness of God's timing, it was as though it were my first experience. Timing. Obedience. Trust. I pondered these for a long time.

    I acted upon my premonition without conscious thought. This automatic response to the prompting didn't just come about it. The spark within me had been nurtured since I was a little girl partly from my mother's constant teaching and coaching on obedience, truthfulness and trusting God. She shared her life experiences with us and I saw how by following the promptings she received invariably her life and others were spared. I also played some games with God and tested Him and through my own experiences I learn to walk and talk with Him. I also saw that my mother was right about disobedience and untruth and paid the penalty accordingly. Although she was tough, she was also sincere and pure and so I have tried to follow her and I have found that God is always guiding us about everything personally even about others and will take care as long as our motives are pure even if we mess up, even if we do not listen at times. Heaven does everything to get us to listen. Purity is extremely important. One other thing I have been practicing is to ask Jesus to go ahead of me everywhere and get me out quickly if I go to the wrong place.

    Webster's defines a premonition as a "previous notice or warning" (forewarning), or the "anticipation of an event without conscious reason" (presentiment).


    12/04/2011 9:29 AM
    Only one premonition came to mind. When I was working at the Ranch Kitchen I had to drive on highway 89 which during some years had no speed limit and was only a 2 lane highway. My premonition was to always check my left side mirror carefully before turning left into the Ranch Kitchen driveway. I previously only looked in my rear view mirror and just glanced quickly in my left side mirror to turn. I got into the habit of looking in my left mirror intently before turning.

    My premonition became clear. I was about to turn left into the Ranch Kitchen driveway when a car was passing me going over 100 mph. The car was going so fast I would have missed it in my rear view mirror for it had already changed lanes to pass me. Had I not looked carefully in my left side mirror I would have been in a terrible accident.
    autumn beauchamp

    12/06/2011 11:27 PM
    One of the most recent premonitions I had Or was given was before I went to Africa. I had finished teaching water aerobics and was leaving the Y and as I was coming to the door and to the woman that cleans at night I saw Emerald light shining from My being and also I felt the Love of Mother Mary and it was actually Archangel Raphael that I thought I sensed. This Light and love was pouring toward the woman that cleans. I had felt Mother Mary to be near to her before and I believe she is Catholic... I continued to leave saying goodbye on the way out. When I got to my I car I paused and was silent sensing what if anything I was required to do at that moment. So I decided to go back and offer her a Buddha nature chart and tell her that if she ever desired prayer that she could contact our prayer team. She said thankyou and that maybe she would.

    I left a few days later and when I returned from Africa maybe two weeks later, when I saw her she started to cry and said she did not Know what was happening with her son and that he had been seen by doctors because in the last few weeks his face was drooping and other complications. His face had also been numb and couldn't taste his food very well. I again felt Mother Mary's love for her and I told her I would send in a prayer request and pray my self for her son who by the way is only 17 years old. The next time I saw her I think the weekend had passed, she said her son was doing better and he could taste his food and the numbness was much less. Certainly this was the result of answered prayer.
    God bless our Prayer team and others who prayed. He now has an appointment in Portland this Thursday the 8th of December in Portland, Oregon with a doctor that is more specialized in his area of healing the determined it to be scoliosis.

    I feel constancy in communing with God and the Masters as well as other disciplines that help to keep my heart open and my mind clear and open to divine inspiration allowed for this premonition, also caring and noticing who the masters are reaching out to as well as my higher Self. thankyou autumn sorry for the tardiness of my response. I required more clarity about the question and when I heard some of the other students replies I decided to post mine too.
    Ronald and Dwinn

    12/08/2011 5:57 PM
    I don’t really think that I’ve had a premonition. But I recall a few times when I was momentarily struck with fear, as when I walked from my seat to the ticket counter to purchase a greyhound bus ticket to New York City back in 1968, even though I had no doubt that that was what I wanted to do. I turned back to my seat and told my self to just walk through it without thinking and buy the ticket. It was in New York that I had my greatest life changing experience.
    Ronald Dubrawsky

    12/08/2011 9:08 PM
    I have received many premonitions. Sometimes they just sit in my Gut and I don't act on them and just tuck them away. Sometimes the feeling is strong and then I do act... To me Premonitions are Intuitions. Most of my life I have been led this way. Hopefully I will get better as we learn more.
    constance welzel
