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Last Post 06/10/2011 3:16 PM by  Eileen
Essay on 1104 class
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06/10/2011 7:35 AM
    I have not found it easy to write this essay. What has come to the fore finally is the following;
    My thoughts are on Humility. The profound love that the Master's have for us and our human-ness. Saint Germain has given us many tools. For us to select from those tools ones that would work specifically for each individual.In review of my weekly notes and rereading,( however seemingly for the first time,) Saint Germain's book I refer back to my opening remark, of my view today on Humility, awe, wonderment on the depth of the wisdom within the words and the writings. Some words from my class notes read, "planning and out picturing of greater God direction works to rid one of Illusionary Living"
    What is 'illusionary living'? How to separate the wheat from the chaff? The parable says let both grow to maturity before removal. I am recognizing a lot of 'chaf' in my life even 'tho I have simplified (as I thought) much. The Serpent creeps in. Today, with my
    (innocent) house cleaner's assist I have started a house cleaning and an inner intellectual cleaning out of all that has crept in under the guise of usefulness.
    This page is a very brief account, if somewhat rambling,of the recognition brought to the fore by meditation 0n the wisdom that Saint Germain has brought to us, and his stupendous ability to have us look deeper into ourselves and systematically route out the serpent dweller and to stay One pointed on our appointed life tasks.Also with a new perspective on our physical body's amazing abilities and a warmer companionship with my I Am Presence. I thank you Saint Germain.
    constance welzel

    06/10/2011 11:00 AM

    What impressed me most about St. Germain's class is the multitude of tools with the visuals. One day recently I did not understand how to apply what I had read about meditating within the cosmic egg and how to start the process. So, aloud I asked St. Germain, "how do I learn this?" Then one morning upon returning from the etheric retreats I saw what was announced as the Angel of Presence and Mother Mary was gazing at me from a short distance, then with a sudden flick of the wrist, I was showered with a golden dust, that was actually golden pearls of light. She then lovingly acknowledged, without fanfare, that I had successfully accomplished the meditation. It is in these precious moments that God lovingly encourages and teaches each one of us that we are not alone, but have all the assistance of the heavely host to guide us, but for the asking. I share this private and unique experience not as a "show and tell moment," but to acknowledge the many gifts and loving moments where God is revealing himself and calling us home.
    For me personally, it is all about keeping the thread of contact with the Masters, and never letting go. I was once told many years ago to "toggle" myself to the Lord. This toggle refers to a crosspiece attached to a rope, chain or belt that serves to prevent slipping or serves to fasten, or as a grip for tightening. The most important action I can take for St. Germain and my divine path is to "get understanding." Sounds simplified, but with it comes a master plan that is unique and meaningful to each and every one of us.
    For a future class I would like to see an expansion on St. Germain's guidance on dealing with health issues. We all require healing on many levels, but additionall practical tools will be much appreciated.
    I am truly greatful to David Lewis, the Hearts Center staff and all it's members. You are my unique family of the heart. Lovingly, Susan


    06/10/2011 3:16 PM
    I didn’t have much interest in Alchemy coming into this class. I was goaded into taking it. I knew I had no interest in creating some sort of physical substance through some alchemical experiment.
    Many years ago I had experimented with precipitation, and found it worked too well, to the point where I didn’t think it was right. I was reading a book that described step by step how to get anything you wanted. Following those directions, I did an experiment in which I wanted a $5000 a year raise and to prove it was from my experiment, I also decided that someone I hadn’t heard from for a long time (and didn’t ever expect to hear from) would call me. I think I did this on a Tuesday and wanted it to happen by Friday. Nothing happened. In fact nothing happened the next week, either. I went into work on the following Monday and there was a note on my desk to call that individual from my experiment. He had left a message at my office on Saturday while my bosses were discussing a raise for me. The raise was $5000 and I deserved it, but it was too easy.
    So what has impressed me about higher alchemy? I realize the alchemical changes that I bring forth will first be in myself. Then when I master those changes, and work from a heart-centered place, I will feel comfortable and will know that I am not misusing the light. The goading for me to go to the Los Angeles event and to take part in this class on alchemy was to bring changes in my inner being. I can thank my mentor for this. My mentor always knows what is best for me.
    I will first of all work on myself. I will be reviewing the class a few times, then I will continue to work with alchemical experiment to change outer things.
