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Last Post 05/28/2011 10:46 AM by  Arny Hjaltadottir
So-hum meditation!
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Arny Hjaltadottir

05/28/2011 10:46 AM
    I have been reading a book called Ayurveda: The Science of Self -Healing by Dr. Vasant Lad. Among many things he talks about meditation called So-hum. He says: So (He) – is Cosmic Consciousness and hum (Me) is individual consciousness. As you breath “the prana or life force and life energy you become aware of the vibration of the cosmic sound aum, the soundless sound. It has two manifestations, one male and the other female. The male manifestation is hum and the female energy is so. During inhalation, you will feel the vibration of the cosmic sound so. During exhalation, you will feel the sound hum.

    "In so-hum meditation, there is a union of individual consciousness with cosmic Consciousness. Listen to the so-hum, hum-so sound through the breath. Your breathing will become quiet and spontaneous and you will go beyond thought, beyond time and space, beyond cause and effect. Limitations will vanish; your consciousness will empty itself and in that emptying, consciousness will expand." (pg. 126)

    I think this is interesting and I am going to use this breathing technique and see where it leads me. Just thought I would like to share this with you all as it relates to Alchemy. Blessings of light and love to all of you…
