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Last Post 12/10/2010 6:52 AM by  Jackie
God’s Provisions Of A House And Food
 1 Replies
Author Messages

12/06/2010 6:31 AM

    When I was in my 20s, I moved to another city to take a new job. After I was told my salary, I sat down and wrote up a budget. First, I decided I would give 10% of my gross income to the LORD. I then discovered I could only afford $100 a month for rent and $55 a month for groceries. That wasn’t much money, but I prayed and asked God to lead me. That same day, someone invited me to their house for dinner. It was a large home where 6 single Christian guys lived. After dinner, they invited me to move in with them. I told them I couldn’t afford it. They then told me the rent was $100 a month and the shared grocery bill was $55 a month. I was blown away. I had decided to honor the LORD with 10% of my new salary and then God gave me a great place to live for exactly what I could afford. You, too, can learn to honor God and see Him provide.

    This is a true story in a series of radio spots by Brian Kluth of www.GiveWithJoy.org

    12/10/2010 6:52 AM
    This wasn't me in this story. It is a true story featured on Brian Kluth's website.
