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Last Post 11/13/2010 7:18 AM by  Jackie
Giving Thanks, The Art of Tithing by Paula Langguth Ryan
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11/13/2010 7:18 AM
    Paula says "When I was a young girl, I used to spend my summers grandma-sitting my great-grand-mother on her farm in northern Indiana. One of my favorite morning activities was harvesting the raspberries from the raspberry canes. Each morning I’d go out with my little basket and I’d come back into the farmhouse kitchen with at least two pints of raspberries. One pint, we’d clean and put in the freezer; the other pint, I’d sprinkle sugar on and eat for breakfast. I was amazed that every morning there were always at least two pints of raspberries waiting to be picked.
    One summer it dawned on me that since there were two pints of raspberries to pick every day, I could save a lot of time and energy if I picked the raspberries once a week. That way, I could harvest all fourteen pints of raspberries at one time.
    A week passed and I ran to the raspberry patch and began harvesting my raspberries with great joy. When I finished, instead of the fourteen pints of raspberries I had anticipated, I still had only two pints. I couldn’t understand what had happened. There should have been seven times as many raspberries, but there weren’t!
    Many years later, I understood what had happened that summer. As long as I was embracing my abundant supply of raspberries every day and giving thanks for that for that abundance through my willingness to pick my daily raspberries, my abundance continued. It was only when I stopped systematically giving thanks for my abundance that the flow of abundance decreased.

    Because I didn’t show up to harvest my raspberries on a daily basis—because I didn’t give thanks for the good I was already receiving—the abundant flow of raspberries passed me by.
    Some raspberries ripened and fell to the ground or were eaten by birds. Other raspberries simply didn’t develop, because there was still an abundant supply on the canes that hadn’t been harvested. Because I stopped giving thanks for the harvest of two pints of raspberries every day, God figured I wouldn’t be happy with fourteen pints a week, either.
    That was when I understood part of the Divine Law of Prosperity: Until you learn to be happy with what you have, you won’t be happy with more.

    Until we learn to notice and cheerfully embrace the abundance that surrounds us right now—whether it be money,ideas, people or opportunities—and give thanks for that abundance by giving back of our time, our talents and our treasures, we won’t be open and receptive to additional abundance."
    Paula book "Giving Thanks: The Art of Tithing is designed to help you more fully understand how to tap into your innate abundance, using the core prosperity principle of tithing. Tithing is an ancient prosperity technique that puts you directly in the flow of Universal Energy and Abundance.
    This is the true nature and power of tithing."

    For more information about these products and Paula’skeynote, workshops, lectures, training and coachingservices, visit http://www.ArtOfAbundance.com
