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Last Post 10/17/2010 1:02 PM by  Cheryl Bench
Importance of Color in Clothing
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Cheryl Bench

10/17/2010 1:02 PM
    Sunday's class on the importance of color reminds me of the passages in Virginia Fellow's Shakespeare Code where she talks about English laws that forbade common people from wearing purple and other colors. When these laws were repealed, Francis Bacon wore purple (a color previously designated only for royalty) at his wedding! I recently spoke with an airline pilot a few days ago about traveling to Europe, he told me that if I didn't want to be singled out as an American, I should wear black and fit in with the locals. It seems that Americans are targeted by pickpockets and hustlers by their bright colors more easily! Maybe if the Europeans wore clothing with more light, they'd have more abundance?? Thanks Wayne for a wonderful class on solar health and solar wealth - color is so very important to our well being in so many ways!
