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Last Post 10/04/2010 8:16 AM by  Wayne
Rainy day sungazing
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10/04/2010 8:16 AM
    This morning, while sungazing, a single drop of rain fell on me. Here in Phoenix with it's 330 sunny days and 8 inches of rain every year, that is considered a shower. :-)

    An old saying came to mind. "Into every life a little rain must fall." I asked the sun "Why?" The answer came: Because if every day is sunny and warm, the soul can become complacent and arid. It needs the rain of descending karma as a catalyst to grow and flourish.

    So, don't complain if it rains and you can't sungaze. What you can do on cloudy or rainy days is visualize the sun in your mind's eye. This will also help develop your third eye. Visualize the Great Central Sun as an enormous sun next to which our sun is a tiny speck.

    Another rainy day technique is candle gazing. Consecrate the candle when you light it. The flame of a candle originally came from the sun. So it's secondary sungazing. There's a teaching behind this technique, called tratak, which I don't have time to reveal now. Maybe tomorrow.

