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Last Post 10/07/2010 2:19 PM by  Wayne
Memory from the Temple of the Sun
 3 Replies
Author Messages

09/27/2010 12:40 PM
    When I awoke this morning, I had a distinct memory of being at the Temple of the Sun. I was standing at a distance observing what looked like a clearance. Everyone was dressed in white and kneeling at an altar. Beloved Clare de Lis was conducting the ceremony. She wasn't using a sword. It looked more like a white staff. Her face was radiant and looked like Lisa Delaney's painting. I looked right in her eyes as she was sitting down on the steps of the altar and I telepathically said, "I love you." Then I woke up.

    I edited out what I think my human consciousness memory of Mother superimposed over my soul memory of this experience. - Wayne, 10-7-10

    10/05/2010 8:52 PM
    I had another memory from the Temple of the Sun that I will share on Sunday. If anyone remembers a vivid dream or wakes up with a seed thought, please share your experiences and thoughts on this forum. If you are following Letos advice for going to the retreats, but don't have any recollections, don't feel discouraged. Your soul and subconscious mind remembers even though your conscious mind doesn't. When you wake up, smile and express gratitude to the masters for what you have learned. Another thing you can do to make your visits to the Temple of the Sun more purposeful and to help bring the subconscious into the conscious is to write down one or more questions related to this course before going to sleep, then read what you have written out loud (as with the sunrise meditation), and tuck it under your pillow. In the morning, reread it and see if answers come to mind. You may find that later in the day answers will come.

    10/07/2010 1:36 PM
    I am unfamiliar with the Temple of the Sun. Would you please direct me to more information about it.
    Thank you.
    Marla Nargundkar

    10/07/2010 2:19 PM

    Go to http://www.google.com/boo...the%20Sun%22&f=false

    Type "Temple of the Sun" in the search box. It will bring up 15 results. For a description, go to the one that has "Goddess of Liberty's Retreat." It is a replica of the Temple of the Sun but describes it better than the entry for the one on the sun. BTW, this book is an excellent resource for students to learn more about the sponsoring masters of this course (except Master Omraam) and the entire heirarchy of the Great White Brotherhood. For Master Omraam, read "A Master in the West" by Marie Louise-Frenette.

