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Last Post 02/13/2018 12:01 PM by  Serena
for Valentine's Day
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02/13/2018 12:01 PM
    See if this works....the forum formatting is very unhelpful.

    Just for fun .... for Valentine's Day

    A Valentine to the Divine Mother

    O Valentine, O Valentine, O won't you be mine?
    O Mother dear, O Mother dear, O Mother so sublime!
    Your heart explodes with love for us
    And we with love for thee,
    That together we may be, for all eternity!
    Divine Mother, will you be mine?

    Another try

    Roses are red, violets are blue,
    (Actually they're not, they're purple, but that's another hue.)
    Divine Mother I love you,
    I vow to be true
    To each rule you set, to each dear command,
    So Mother possess me and let me now stand
    In your presence bright,
    So full of God's light
    I know it will be truly a heavenly sight!

    Another try

    Roses are red, violets are blue,
    Divine Mother do you know that I love you?
    My heart now explodes with your posy* of light
    'Till fragrances of heaven and scents fill my note -
    It doesn't matter if it's a violet or rose!
    May your ethereal perfume
    All darkness consume
    'Till there's only One,
    You and me, now one.
    *bunch of flowers

    Last try
    On a day like this with love in the air
    I will now pen this holy prayer:
    "Divine Mother, you are so fair,
    And so very beautiful with flowers in your hair!.."
    (Was that a rose or a violet?)
    I love you! Won't you be my Valentine?

    And a decree by a 7 year old, my son, inspired by David's recent decree release:

    Dear Angels, dear angels protect me,
    Dear Angels, guide and direct me!
    Dear Angels, send comfort from above,
    To all who need healing and love!
