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Last Post 10/07/2012 7:28 PM by  Yves
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10/07/2012 7:28 PM
    I have read much about karma. I learned that individuals, families and nations have karma
    and there are karmic cycles. If we have karma with some individual(s) then we must be at
    the right place and at the right time to balance our karma. I believe that I was given the
    opportunity to balance my karma with a certain individual when I was 17 years old and
    living in my native country.
    I lived and worked on a farm with my Mother and my Step-father a few miles from a small
    town. In this town there was a family owned pastry shop. I learned that there were hiring
    an apprentice to work in their pastry making shop. I applied for the job and was hired.
    I would receive a small salary and would be fed and lodged in a small apartment next to my
    place of work. As I thought about my new job, I realized that I was not really interested in
    this kind of work. Then, why did I apply for the job ? I had no idea. Roger, The Son-in-Law
    of the owner, was in charged of the pastry making shop, and would teach me how to make
    pastry. After a few days at work, I noticed a change in the behavior of Roger, my boss.
    At first, I ignored it, and thinking his change of attitude toward me was temporary. After all
    I was doing my job. He told his Father-in-Law that I was a good apprentice and making
    good progress. As the days went by, his behavior became worse. He would yell at me, make
    fun of me and at times he would be angry and mean. Every day it was the same. I stayed
    calm. I did not talk back to him. I had no resentment or anger toward him. I simply accepted
    his actions and forgave him. Yet, I was not a prisoner. I could have quit my job. But I did not,
    because I had an inner feeling that there was a reason for what I was going through.
    I somehow knew that I would leave this job when the time was right. I just did not know when
    or how it would come about. It was only at work that Roger would treat me like that.
    Outside of work, he was kind to me. He would take me on his scooter to have lunch at his
    parent's house . One time, his Mother asked me if he was nice to me. I told her yes.
    Then one day, nine months later, I had an inner feeling, more like a prompting, that it was
    time to quit this job and to move on. I packed my belongings and got on my moped
    ( a small motorcycle ) and went home. I did not tell Roger or the owner that I was leaving.
    Riding my moped home, I felt at peace and free. When I got home I told my Mother and my
    Step-Father that I quit my job and told them the reason. They could not believe that for
    nine months, I never said anything to them or to the owner of the pastry shop. I did not
    know what to tell them. My Mother went to see the owner of the pastry shop to tell him that
    I quit my job and the reason of my leaving. My Step-Father wanted me to write a letter of
    complaint to the proper Authorities so charges could be brought against the owner.
    I could not do it. As far I was concerned, this experience in my life was behind me.
    All was forgotten and forgiven. It was time to move on with my life.
