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Last Post 07/15/2012 2:03 PM by  Dee Stewart
"How do we stay in Peace when going through intense challenges?"
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07/15/2012 11:27 AM
    "How do we stay in Peace when going through intense challenges?"
    (This was my question to the Maha Chohan 2 summers ago when going through some intense challenges.

    I couldn't sleep for weeks. It was very uncomfortable for me to eat. I was too anxious to eat or sleep well. I felt panicky and felt I was burning up. I couldn't lay down and rest. I felt that I had to pace the floor in the middle of the night. My face felt on fire and I felt that I couldn't escape my difficulties. I had never felt this type of panic and anxiety so intensely before. Thank goodness for the opportunity to ask for help from the Maha Chohan!

    The following answer from the Maha Chohan gave me Peace. I am sooooo grateful. I accepted the challenge, thanked it and asked to be taught the lesson. Rather than running away from it I accepted it. I allowed the events to unfold and reminded myself that everything would work out for the best.

    Here's the answer from the Darshan question that I asked the Maha Chohan during the Meru Class 2010 on Rumi: (I listened to it many times and wrote it down as best I could. )

    A challenge is an opportunity for learning self- transcendence. So pause when you are experiencing a challenge to see the challenge as an entity of Light that is a Portal through which you may learn something. See it as a living being in other words. When I say entity I mean a living being not a discarnate or entity. And pause long enough to meditate upon the challenge and to ask God, “What is the lesson that the Universe, your own heart and higher self would like you to learn and to master?”

    If you can simply pause long enough and get out of the reactionary sphere of influence and the feeling, the intense feeling and pressure that comes upon you during the experience to stay with it and allow the energies to wash upon your soul and your spirit long enough you to feel the particles of the message of what they are trying to teach you. Then by entering into the experience and allowing it to be felt, you are learning part of the lesson right there. If you try to react, evade it or dilute it, then you’re not allowing it to resonate in your being.

    The first thing is to be present in the moment and to allow it to press this energy field upon you. Now it may be temporarily painful and you may feel impressions that are not pleasant.

    What these particles are, are your own patterns coming back of your inhumanity to others in past lives. The energies cycling back to you of what you’ve done. The universe is now offering back to you to learn a lesson. So if you can allow this to occur without immediately reacting, in a flash of illumination you may even see or know or feel intuitively what you may have done to others that now as a lesson is coming back to you. You’ll have compassion for the others who may have been sending you these energies, who you have wronged and in the compassion and the kindness, forgiveness and mercy in that moment that is hard for them to experience.

    There is transmutation that occurs that allows for the lesson to be learned with equanimity and with joy. The joy comes from the burning up, the transmutation of the karma through your acceptance of that karma. Which is a gift of God to you as a lesson learning experience.

    Its much easier said than taught right now, then when your going through it. The natural, its not really natural, but the reactionary way that most of us experience this, is a pattern that we have because we don’t want to deal with it. We don’t want to see it. We don’t want to believe it. We simply do not want to experience it.

    So the first thing is to allow it to resonate almost from a very non-personal and objective viewpoint. If you can get outside of yourself to look at it for what it is without being too subjective or personal and don’t hold it against yourself or others for being the instrument of this. In other words don’t personalize it. We know that that’s a key. Don’t blame individuals. Don’t speak negatively of them or the situation. Don’t even speak of the experience to others or to yourself. Simple allow it to be. Learn the lesson. The lesson itself, the energy will teach you. The energy of the experience will teach you what you require to learn.

    If you can go through this with acceptance, rather than reaction, that is half the learning experience of the mastery to come.

    If your going through a divorce or legal challenges it is very easy to be caught up in the blame game, the name game. “Whoa is me! This person did that to me and I don’t understand it.” Take a deep breath. Look up to your Source. Ask God to see you through this and allow the energies to simply work through you. It’s like massage. They almost impress themselves upon a person in a certain part of your body or in your mind. Allow that to happen and then massage it out through love and by being in your heart. It’s like kneading a muscle that been too taunt until it relaxes and then once its relaxed then it can heal. The same process was with the feeling body the emotional ups and downs that come when we’re going through major challenges. Its like we just have to breathe, allow the relaxation of the taunt experience to occur and then it works out. And we are whole again.


    ¨♥ `* •.♫. ☆ * ♥ ¸. • * ¨♥ `* •.♫

    Tags: emotional peace, Maha Chohan, Darshan
    Dee Stewart

    07/15/2012 2:03 PM
    Dear Lisa,
    This message was so necessary for me to hear at this time. Thank you so very much for sharing.
