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Last Post 12/27/2011 12:20 PM by  friend
Singing with the Angels
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12/27/2011 12:20 PM
    I was inspired by the teaching from Christmas Eve called, "Blend Your Voices with the Choirs of Angels in Heaven". Joe invited his local family and a few friends over for Christmas and I was thinking about a game or an activity that we could all do together that would create a Christmas spirit. After hearing the Christmas Eve teaching on the angels singing I thought, YouTube Christmas songs with lyrics!

    I asked Joe's 14 year old niece to find some good YouTube Christmas songs with lyrics and I set up the projector in the living room ahead of time so everyone could see the words in the YouTube videos projected on the wall.

    We were about to start singing with the YouTubes when all of the men plopped down in front of the TV and watched the Bears football game. Yikes!! We didn't think they would budge. Then one of the ladies said kiddingly, "We'll sing so beautifully that they will be drawn in and sing with us!" Well, by the second song all the men and all of the guests were in the living room singing with gusto.

    I had 2 microphones to pass around. Everyone took turns, chose songs and sang with delight! It was soooo much fun for all ages. Even 17 year old Bradley, with severe autism, who doesn't "converse", sang all the lyrics beautifully for the 12 Days of Christmas!

    Before the event I said a prayer to Mother Mary and the Holy Family to be with us. It was so much fun to sing with the angels and to see everyone "lifted" up. I would definitely do this again! I wonder if there are any good Easter songs with lyrics on YouTube???

    Have a Blessed New Year full of Light and Miracles!!!

    Below is an image of what the YouTube video looked like. Now imagine it 5 feet by 4 feet on the big screen.
